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(This is the dress I chose for Josie to wear to the wedding)

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(This is the dress I chose for Josie to wear to the wedding)

"Morning." George said interrupting Harry and Ginny as I reached the kitchen.

"George!" I said pulling him away from them. "Sorry Ginny." I whispered as I passed her.

"Well don't you look ravishing in your jumper." He joked.

"Oh shut up, I was doing my make up and hair and I didn't want to ruin the dress." I said.

"You want help getting changed into that dress." He gave me that look.

"George Fabien!" I shushed him.

"I'm only joking love." He said, "only for now. I'll see you later." He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my back.

I went and changed into my dress quickly and met George for the wedding. It was such a beautiful wedding. We danced and had fun at the reception afterward.

"Harry!" I said finding him. He was talking to two elderly people and suddenly he got up and looked past me concerned. "Harry?"

Suddenly a blue flash disrupted the celebration. A blue orb stood in the middle of the tent. I immediately went to find George. I don't know what's happening but I need to be with him.

"The ministry has fallen." The blue light spoke. What? The ministry doesn't just, fall. "The minister of magic, is dead. They are coming."

Those words set everyone in a panic. People running around to find their loved ones and get the hell out of here. A few seconds later they came, just as the orb said. I pulled out my wand and searched for George, Fred, or anyone else like Ginny, so I could apparate and get us the hell out of here. I saw someone going after Ginny and I whipped out my wand.

"Stupefy!" I yelled. "Ginny! Come on!" I said reaching out for her. I grabbed her hand and searched for other Weasleys.

"Charlie!" I yelled reaching out my hand for him to grab. I apparated them to the flat above the joke shop. "Stay here, I'll be back."

"You can't go back there!" Charlie yelled.

"I have to get Fred and George!" I apparated back to the wedding and ran around searching for George.

"You have to get out of here!" I was spun around by George grabbing my hand.

"Not without you and Fred!" I yelled back. I ran around trying to find Fred.

"You have to leave now!" George said grabbing my hand again. At that exact moment I saw Fred, grabbed his arm, and apparated to the flat.

"Ok, I saw Hermione, Harry, and Ron apparate, so they are okay. You all are here. Everyone else will be fine, right?" I asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, your not going back!" George said. "You shouldn't have gone back after you left the first time! You could have gotten hurt!"

"You could have gotten hurt!" I yelled back.

"It doesn't matter if I get hurt! What am I supposed to do if something happens to you!?"

"I can't just sit by and let you get hurt!"

George bent over and hugged me tight. "Thank Merlin you're okay."

"I can't imagine what I'd do if I lost you." I said back.

We sat in the living room for a few more minutes, waiting for anyone else to show up. Mr and Mrs Weasley came soon.

"Thank Heavens you are all alright!" Mrs Weasley said, giving her children and me hugs.

"Do you know what happened to Remus and Tonks?" I asked hoping for good news.

"They apparated just before we did." Mr Weasley said.

"Is everyone alright?" Ginny asked.

"Yes. Everyone is fine dear." Mrs Weasley said. "I suggest we all get some rest."

"Okay. Mr and Mrs Weasley, take the extra bedroom, boys sleep in Fred's room, Ginny and I will sleep in me and George's room." I arranged everyone.

"Good night, Love." George said giving me a kiss on the forehead. "Everything is going to be fine." He said lifted my head up to look at him.

"I hope so." I said plainly.

"I know so."

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