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"Draco isn't a bad person." I said plainly to George and Fred.

"He's a Death Eater!" George argued.

"Because his family has influenced him!" I thought for a second, "Okay, his Father and aunt have influenced him. Narcissa has also been influenced."

"They're Death Eaters!" Fred argued again.

"Draco and Narcissa are good people!"

"They're Death Eaters!" They said together.

"If it weren't for stupid Lucius, Draco and Narcissa wouldn't have gotten involved. They really are good people. And when this is all over, I want to have a relationship with Draco and Narcissa. They're still my family. And my only biological family. I have work." I have George a kiss and apparated to St Mungo's.


"Here, Lucy. There's a patient in 3B, can you help him?" I asked her, handing her a clip board.

"Yeah, sure." She said, taking the clip board. We heard a bloody murder scream coming from a few halls down.

"Stay here." I said pulling out my wand. I walked towards the scream and more screams came from that direction. "LUMOS!" I yelled turning a corner. I saw the Death Eater masks. "Shit!" I ran over to the corner and pulled the 'emergency' alarm. Usually it would contact the Aurors to come and help, but with no ministry, who knows who it will contact. The least it will do is let everyone know to get out because something is wrong.

As soon as I pulled the alarm, I ran as fast as I could down the hall way. I saw green flashes fly past me. I reached in my pocket and felt one of Fred and George's smoke bombs from the shop. I pulled it out and smashed it on the ground.

I felt something hit my shoulder and instant pain. I fell to the ground, and everything, went black.


George's POV

"Did you hear what happened?" I heard a costumer say to another costumer.

"No, what happened?" The other asked.

"His followers attacked St Mungo's an hour ago." My heart dropped. I ran to find Fred.

"The Death Eaters attacked St Mungo's today. Have you seen Josie!? Did she come back!?" I asked frantically.

"No. Maybe check in the flat." Fred suggested. "Listen, I'm sure she's fine."

I ran up to the flat and yelled out for her, but I got no response.

"Come on! Please! Tell me you're here!" I cried out. I apparated to St Mungo's and it was a disaster. There was debris everywhere, and people crying and yelling. I saw Tonks in the corner of my eye.

"Tonks!" I yelled running towards her. "Where's Josie!? Is she okay!?"

"I don't know. Remus ran in there ten minutes ago to look for her." She said worried.

"I have to go in there!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"If she's in there, Remus will find her. You can't go in there." I stood by her side as we waited. We waited for what seemed like hours in silence. "Look!"

I looked up and saw Remus carrying a body out of the building. We ran up to him.

"She has a pulse. We have to get her back to the house." Remus said over all the noise.

We apparated to their house and he laid her in the guest bedroom.

"There's nothing we can do except wait for her to wake up." Remus sighed. Tonks and Remus left me to sit there alone. I waited, and waited, and waited.

Josie's POV

I woke up, but kept my eyes closed. Where am I? Don't open your eyes. If someone is around, it might be best to not open my eyes. This doesn't feel hard like the ground. I'm not at St Mungo's anymore. If someone bad were to take me away they wouldn't put me on a bed, right?

I opened my eyes and saw George asleep in a chair next to the bed.

"George?" I asked sitting up. He woke up with a start.

"Thank Merlin you're alright!" George jumped towards me and hugged me tight. "Remus!" He called out the door.

"You're awake!" Remus said bursting through the door.

"What happened?" Tonks asked.

"I dunno. I heard a scream and went towards it. I saw Death Eaters and I pulled the alarm. Your smoke bombs work, George. I had one in my pocket and threw it behind me as I ran. They must have hit me." I explained.

"Well your okay now. That's all that counts." George said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"This will all be over soon." Tonks said.

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