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I woke up and George wasn't there. I rubbed my eyes and went down stairs. I felt my head pound with each step I took.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" George said as he gave me a hug.

"I have a massive head ache." I complained into his chest.

"I'm sorry baby." He said running his hand through my hair.

"Thank you for helping me last night. I'm sorry we had to leave earlier."

"Don't worry about it. I had a wonderful time." He lifted my chin and gave me a little kiss. "I have to go do something. I'll be back in a bit."

"Okay. I'm probably going to go for a walk with Chloe or Harper."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too." I gave him a little kiss on the cheek and went to find Chloe and or Harper.


"I tried to get us a gig at Three Broomsticks, but they said we couldn't. It's frustrating because we're good but we can't get anywhere to sing!" I complained to Chloe as we walked the halls.

"Yeah. I love singing in the common room but we need to get something bigger, you kn-" Chloe began.

"Mr Weasley! Get off of him!" I heard Professor McGonagall yell.

"Oh no." I said as we ran to see what was happening.

"YOU PUT SOMETHING IN HER DRINK I KNOW IT! YOU SON OF A BITCH!" We ran up and saw George yelling at Krum. Shit.

We watched as Mad Eye dragged both Krum and George into McGonagall's office.

"You better come along Ms Blue. If I understand correctly, this has something to do with you." McGonagall said. I gave Chloe a worried look and followed Professor McGonagall into her office. She sat me down, just her and me. "Now what happened."

"Viktor was going to take me to the ball, but the only reason he was taking me was so, so he could... pressure me into... having... sex." Oh my God. I'm sitting here, telling a teacher, that a guy only wanted to go to a ball with me was so he could get in my pants. How much more awkward can this get? "George heard and they got into another fight before the ball. George and I ending up going together, and my feet hurt from dancing so I sat down alone. Viktor came over and was saying things about how he was going to find a way to get me to," I sighed, "sleep with him.  I ignored him and he left. After that I started to feel bad and like I was going to pass out. George was helping me out and sat me on a bench for a few minutes to go tell Fred we were leaving.  Viktor came up and tried to take me from the bench to go somewhere else. Cedric stopped him before he got me somewhere else, and George, Cedric, and I, came to the conclusion that he put something in my drink. I swear I had no idea George was going to go fight him about it."

"You're not in trouble, Ms Blue. After what you've told me, George isn't going to be in as much trouble either. If something like this happens, you need to come to an adult."

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"Thank you, Ms Blue, you can leave."

I got up and walked out to the classroom and saw George. I saw some bruises forming on his face and hands, a cut on his eyebrow and nose, and some red marks on his arms. He had his head down looking towards the ground. I sat next to him and held onto his arm. I lightly grabbed onto his hand to look at it.

"Georgie..." I began.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want you to see it. I just- I couldn't let him get away with something like that! I'm sorry."

"I'm not mad at you." I looked him in the eyes, "Okay, I'm a little mad at you. I think you were justified in what you did. I think he deserved it. But you got hurt, and now you are also getting in trouble. I love you, and I don't want you to get hurt because of me. When you get out we're gonna go to the Prefect's bathroom to get you all cleaned up."

"I love you." He gave me a kiss on the cheek before he got called in.

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