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"Here we are, George. Out in the real world. You and Fred have your own shop, and I'm a trainee healer at St Mungo's. I can't believe everything happened so fast." I said.

"It's so weird not living at the Burrow. So you guys really aren't going to try and make it big?" He asked.

"Being in a band was fun during school, but I think we all realized we should get jobs that we are guaranteed to have a job."

"You guys were really good. Anyway, I got to get to work. See you around love." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I went to find Hermione and or Ginny. They were standing over the love potions.

"Hello ladies." The twins said.

"Love potions, aye?" Fred said.

"They really do work." George said.

"Yeah, haven't you guys ever heard of how George gets to date me? He slips a love potion into my tea in the morning." I joked.

"But I heard you wouldn't need it, Ginny." Fred said.

"What are you talking about?" Ginny asked.

"Are not currently dating Dean Thomas?" George asked.

"That's none of your business." She replied plainly.

"Stop harassing your sister and get back to work." I shooed them away. "Hermione, looks like you've caught someone's eye." I pointed towards Cormac McLaggen. She looked unenthusiastic about the person who was looking at her. "Your disappointed it's not Ron, aren't you?" I asked making sure Ginny wasn't around.

"Wha- how did you-" She began.

"I pick up on things." I shrugged and walked away.


"You look cozy." George said walking into his room. I was snuggled in his bed, tired and ready for sleep.

"Come on, I'm tired." I groaned. I was staying the night in the twins flat above their shop, before heading back to Remus' house.

"Alright, alright." He said getting into bed. I rolled to the side and George put his arm around my waist. "Night, love."



A/N: I know this was a super super short chapter but like I needed something to take up some time.

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