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"Wake up!" I heard someone whisper while they were shaking me. "Please, Josie, wake up." I rolled over and saw George standing above my bed.

"It's the middle of the night, what's going on?" I asked drowsily.

"Harry said he saw dad get attacked in his sleep, please come on." He looked worried so I took his hand and we walked to Dumbledore's office. Fred, Ron, Ginny, and Harry were already there. I held onto George's hand and arm as Harry and Dumbledore talked.

"It will be okay." I whispered to George. I could tell he was nervous. He kept shifting his weight from side to side and his hand was shaking.

"Will you please come with us?" He asked. The Weasleys were going to Grimmauld Place.

"Of course." I whispered back.

"LOOK AT ME!" Harry yelled drawing all our attention to him. "What's happening to me?"


"I'll see you at Christmas, Harry." I said giving him a hug. "Everything is and will be okay. Don't worry." I walked over to George and we took the port key to Grimmauld place.


We all sat down, ready to eat Christmas dinner. And Mr Weasley made a toast to Harry. I saw dad and Harry talking, I'll talk to dad later.

"Merry Christmas." George said giving me a little kiss.

"Merry Christmas." I smiled.


"Harry Potter: the boy who stopped the dark lord. Friend of mud bloods and blood traitors alike." I heard Creature say.

"Creature! Stop!" I yelled at him. "Away with you! Sorry about that Harry. He never was very kind." I said. "You alright, Harry?"

"I'm fine." He said.

"Okay. If you need me, I'll be upstairs." I said giving him a hug. I passed dad, gave him a hug, and he and Harry began to talk.

"There's my pretty girlfriend." I heard George say as he hugged me from behind.

Fred passed us, making a puke noise, sticking out his tongue and pointing to his throat.

"Enough out of you." George said walking with me to my room. "You alright?" He asked as he laid on my bed with me.

"Yeah. I just worry about Harry, that's all."

"He'll be fine. Did you have a good Christmas?"

"Absolutely wonderful. I spent it with my amazing boyfriend and his lovely family. Couldn't be better." He leaned forward and kissed me.

"Oh no. Not happening." I broke the kiss and saw dad standing in the doorway.

"Ughhhhhh! Dad! It's fine!" I complained.

"Not happening. Not in my house."

"Just 20 minutes!" I begged.



"15." He said and left.

I laid my head on George's chest, my arm crossing over his body, and my leg across his waist.

"I could lay like this forever." He said.

"Me too." I said my eyelids growing heavy, and eventually falling.

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