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"Good morning." I said as I sat next to Fred, who sat next to George, who was still not talking to me. An owl came in bringing me and George letters. 

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT SHE TOLD ME BEFORE SHE TOLD YOU! YOU CAN'T BLAME HER FOT TELLING ME! IT WAS ALL UP TO CIRCUMSTANCE! YOU NEED TO DROP THIS IT'S HURTING HER!" The sudden yelling startled me. I looked to where it was coming from to find out it was a howler sent from Charlie to George.

I opened my letter and read what it said:


Don't worry about George, he'll get over it. He sent me a howler yelling at me for you telling me about your father before him. I sent him a howler in response and he should get it about the same time as you get this. It makes me very happy that you look up at me like an older brother. I think you should talk to Lupin about what is happening. There isn't much I can do right now because I'm not there, but I'm coming home in the summer, and I'll make sure I come see you. Maybe this has something to do with your fathers escape?

With love, Charlie

He's probably right, George will get over it. I walked out and ran right into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I said immediately.

"No, it's my fault." Liam said.

"Oh. Hi Liam."

"Hey. Listen I'm really sorry about everything that happened between us a few years ago. I said really horrible things, and I'm really really sorry." He said.

"Well, I accept your apology." I said.

"Do you want to hang out later?"

"I'm playing quidditch later with Cedric, Chloe, Harper, and Ethan if you want to come. Just a friendly game to help us practice."

"Yeah, if you don't mind I'll join."

"Great! I'll see you later at the field!"


"Good game guys! I'll see you guys later!" I said walking away with Liam.

"So. Do you still sing?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Think about it. Ethan plays drums, Harper plays keyboard, Chloe plays guitar, I play bass, you sing. We could make a band." I laughed at the idea. "Think about it! We would be so good! It would be a great way to become better friends too!"

"Ok. Pitch the idea to the others, and if they're in, than I'm in. But only if they are in!"

"Yes! I already know Chloe is in."


"I know her dad and it's not him." Liam said right before I sat down for lunch.

"Hey guys." I said. They all just stared at me. "Why are they staring at me?" I asked Liam.

"They think your dad is Sirius Black. Apparently George went around telling everyone that. But it's false. Even Fred is saying it's not true." I felt tears rush to my eyes.


I walked around the common room and saw George. I pushed him into a side room and shut the door.

"I understand you're hurt I didn't tell you about my father, but that gives you no right to tell everyone that he's my father! I guess Charlie was wrong." I said holding back tears.

"You deserve this. I hate you for not telling me." George said.

"Josie!" I looked back and saw Liam. "Come with me. I don't think this is a good situation for you right now." I saw him glare at George and I turned to look at George one more time and walked out with Liam. "You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Did you talk to the others about starting a band?" I asked.

"Yeah. They're down." He said.

"Good. Come on. We're gonna go write our first song."


"It sounds great!" Chloe said cheerfully.

"You guys are really doing great. We're gonna sing this tonight in the common room. Just to kinda get us out there, you know? I'll see you guys later." I said.


(That's the song they sing)

"Thank you!" I said at the end and gave a look at George. Maybe he could tell the song was pointed at him, I don't care. Remus rushed in and pulled me aside.

"You have to come with me right now." He said.

"Ok?" We walked fast out the castle and  started off somewhere. "Where are we going? The sun is almost set! Remus!"

"We're going to go see your father."

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