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Remus insisted I stay with them for a week to make sure nothing was wrong, and George refused to go back to the flat without me.

It's been a few months since I've last seen Harry. Hopefully this will all be over soon. This has been the longest and shortest eight months. It feels like it shouldn't be March already.


"Remus?" I said apparating to the house. "You wanted to see me?" I called out.

"Josie!" Tonks said giving me a hug.

"Tonks!" I said hugging her back. "How have you been?"

"Oh, lovely." She responded.

"Josie." Remus said giving me a hug.

"Hey!" I said hugging him back. "So what's up?"

"Let's go inside and chat." Tonks said.

"Listen I moved out, that means you can't punish me for anything." I said in defense.

"You are in trouble. Unless there is something I need to know about?" Remus said. I put up my hands in defense.

"So, as you know, I'm pregnant." Tonks said sitting down at the table.

"No way! Really?" I acted shocked.

"We were wondering if you would be the child's God Mother?" Tonks asked.

"Really? Of course!" I gladly accepted.

"And, we are going to put you down as the next guardian, if something were to happen to us." Remus said.

"Thank you guys. Really, it's an honor. Who's going to be the God Father?" I asked.

"Harry." Tonks said.

"Have you talked to him recently?" I asked.

"Just a letter asking him if he would be the God Father." Remus said.

"How is he?"

"Good, I guess. He didn't talk much about how he was." Remus guessed.



"Aww, he's precious." I said holding the baby. "What's his name?"

"Edward Remus Lupin." Remus said proudly.

"We want to call him Teddy." Tonks chimed in.

"I can't wait till we get married and have kids." George whispered in my ear, hugging me from behind.


"It's happening." Molly said.

"We have to go!" I said. "We have to!" We apparated to Hogwarts and began to prepare for the battle that was going to happen.

"What ever happens, none of us leave each other's sides." Fred demanded. George and I nodded in agreement. Like they could leave my side anyway.

"Look." George said.

"It's coming down." I said as we looked at the shield the teachers put up. The Death Eaters came in rapidly, throwing spells everywhere.

"Fred, George!" We looked and saw Percy running towards us.

"Come on! We have to move!" I yelled. We ran as fast as we could. I don't know why we had to move at that moment, just something felt off. As soon as we got clear, we heard a boom and right where we just were had gotten hit. Maybe that was my bad feeling?

A woman popped out of no where and threw a spell at Fred, just narrowly missing him.

"Go to hell, bitch!" I yelled hitting her with a spell. She hit the ground and we ran.

"That was-" Fred began.

"I'm not letting anyone hurt you guys!" I promised.

We fought for a bit longer, until everything stopped.

"Voldemort valiantly, but in vain, I do not wish this, every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter: I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you, rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the forbidden forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman, and child who tries to conceal you from me." A voice said.

"Come on. We have to get to the Great Hall." I said pulling them all along. Percy, Fred, George, and I made it to the Great Hall, all relieved that the Weasleys were all okay.

"No," George whispered.

"What?" I asked.

I turned around and looked in the same direction as him. In front of my eyes, I saw two cots, on those cots laid Remus and Tonks.

Tears rushed to my eyes as I ran to their sides. I fell to the ground as I reached them.

"No, no, no!" I cried.

"I'm so sorry." George hugged me kneeling by my side.

"No, they can't die! Teddy is at home waiting for them! They can't leave him! He can't grow up with out his parents! He can't! It hurts to much! I won't let it happen!" I said trying to convince myself they'd be fine. "It's not fair." I sobbed into George's shirt.

"I'm sorry, love. They're gone." George said running his hand through his hair.

"What am I gonna do? I'm not Remus. I'm not Tonks. I'm not Teddy's parents. I'm 19."

"We'll figure it out together. You aren't doing this alone. You have me, and Fred, and Harry, and all my family. You're not alone." George said comforting me.

George helped me up and we walked over to his family.

"I'm so sorry dear." Mrs Weasley said pulling me in for a hug.

"We are here for you." Bill said.

"We'll help you with anything you need." Ginny chimed in.

"I'm sorry." Harry said hugging me. "This is my fault."

"No. They chose to fight. This is no ones fault but Voldemort's. They died heros. Let's not let their sacrifice be for nothing." I said.

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