Chapter 29

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Josh’s POV:

Jen is out with her friends, so I decided to catch up with the guys from the cast. Liam, Sam and Woody are chilling out with me at the infamous coffee shop where I decided to make Jen my girlfriend. Sitting at the same table, I’m prepared to ask about a different question.

“Josh. Josh! Joooossshhh!” Sam waves a hand in front of my face. “You alright, mate?” Liam asks. I snap out of my current blank expression and grin at the three of them, who are all already grinning. “Yeah, no, I’m fine, man.” I tell them, only partially lying. Woody gives me a look of disbelief. “Josh, we know you. We know when you’re a hundred percent fine. We also know when you’re not, too.” I sigh. Liam points with his spoon full of chocolate cake. “See? Right there. That sigh.” This comment from Liam only makes me sigh again.

“I dunno, guys. I do have something on my mind, but I don’t know if you guys care that much….” I pause before adding “…about my love life anyway.” Woody starts laughing for some odd reason, and the three of us just give him a weird look. “What?” He says. “Is Josh complaining about not hitting that in the bedroom?” He gives me a sly wink, but I just laugh and shake my head no. “Oh, so you ARE getting some?” He smiles. “Woody, shut up.” Sam says in his awesome British accent, which makes him shutting up Woody that much more awesome. Sam glances at me while taking a rather exaggerated and loud slurp of his coffee. He gestures with his coffee mug after he takes his plentiful sip. “Well, go on Joshua.” I laugh.

“You guys are gonna think I’m absolutely insane, but...” Liam cuts me off by saying “Oh, Josh. Don’t worry. We’ve seen you in Mockingjay Part 1. We already do think you’re insane.” This makes me chuckle. “Hey, that was PEETA, not Josh.” Sam comments. I nod at him. “Continue.” He says. They all lean in a little to wait for me to continue. I lean in a little too to avoid anyone overhearing. “What would you guys think if I… proposed to Jennifer at the Part 2 premiere?” I gulp. There’s a moment of silence before Woody starts clapping. Sam shoots him a look. With Sam’s mean glare, Woody stops clapping, but a grin seems to be stuck on his face. Sam looks back at me and a smirk appears. “Josh, I think that is an amazing idea.” I smile at him. “Really?” I ask shyly. He gives an exaggerated nod. Liam nods normally in agreement then he says “Josh... if you have…” He pauses and counts on his fingers under his breath. “Nine months until then, it being March now...” I nod. “You have to express more public affection so that people understand how deeply, madly in love you guys are. Now it doesn’t need to be you two seemingly eating each other in public…” Liam’s interrupted when Woody cuts him off. “Save that for the bedroom.” Liam slowly turns his head to look at Woody with an annoyed expression on his face. “You’re not bloody helping, Harrelson.” Liam gives him a playful elbow in the side and Woody chuckles under his breath.

Sam continues for Liam. “It doesn’t need to be that affectionate, but just a few kisses here and there. Let the public see you guys kiss. Let them know visually how in love you are. You know, take her out to dinner, fend off the paparazzi for her…” I nod. Liam adds “Sam, you forgot to add ‘bloody paparazzi”. Sam clears his throat. “Sorry. BLOODY paparazzi.” This makes us laugh. “You can’t just keep the media wondering like ‘Oh, are they dating? Are they not?’ and then suddenly pop the question.” Sam adds. I nod. “Yeah.”

Woody points with his coffee mug. “Since when have you two been love experts?” He asks Liam and Sam. “Since we became the trolls from Frozen.” Sam replies with a completely straight face. I think that’s one of the things there is to like about Sam. He can say something that would make the average person just not be able to control themselves laughing with such a straight face, but then he always adds a little smirk so he doesn’t look completely heartless.

“Thanks guys.” I tell them. “You’re welcome.” Woody says. Liam and Sam roll their eyes. “He wasn’t bloody talking to you, Woody.” Sam says. Sam turns to me. “Josh, do I say ‘bloody’ too much?” I shake my head no. “Nah, man. It’s cool. It’s unique to British guys.” He laughs. “I wish I could say that all the time, but it just sounds weird with a... I guess you could call it American accent.” He grins.

We spend the rest of the time talking about my plans, and how we could get the whole team and the coordinators of the premiere to work together to make this a special moment. The only problem? Making it so that Jen doesn’t find out.

Odds in Our Favor: A Joshifer FanficWhere stories live. Discover now