Chapter 34

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[Song: Ho Hey- The Lumineers]

 “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the red carpet- Josh Hutcherson!”

 The car door opens as the announcer says this. The fans screams of excitement hit me like a blast of wind. “Oh my god, he’s here!!!” I hear one of them say. I’m handed a Sharpie by one of the premiere supervisors and as she passes it to me, she whispers “Good luck tonight” with a wink and a point to her ring finger. I smile at her. She has to know because she set this thing up with everybody else.

 As I’m quickly signing things, from Mockingjay books to hats to… other stuff… I meet up with Jen, who is also frantically signing stuff. “Hey baby.” I say to her over the screams of the fans. “Hey!” She yells back and gives me a quick kiss on the lips, which makes the fans scream louder.

 After we’ve signed so much that our writing hands hurts, it’s interview time. Jen’s already talking to another lady with a microphone, and I’m pulled aside by a man with short blonde hair and blue eyes.

“Hi, Josh. How are you tonight?” He asks me, pointing his microphone in my direction. “You know, definitely mixed feelings tonight. I’m excited for the fans to see Mockingjay two, but sad that it’s all gonna be over after this. You know, I’ll probably see Jennifer after this, but this bond that the whole entire cast has is just unreal and I was so lucky to be a part of it.” He nods his head. “Where does Peeta go in this movie, like, how does he manage to cope with these newfound feelings, or does he cope at all?” He asks. “Ah, you know, Peeta’s pretty uhh… mentally unstable right now, yeah. He doesn’t know how to feel about Katniss or Haymitch or Effie or anyone really, not even himself. He’s working with his team in the Capitol and he’s asking his crew, you know, ‘Real or Not Real’ and that really helps him along and helps him discover who he is.” The interviewer nods. “Well we’re all excited to see this movie, Josh. Thank you so much.” He says. “Thank you.”

“Thank you, Jennifer!” The lady interviewing Jen says. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot her finishing up with her interview. “Thanks.” She responds to the lady as I step down the few stairs separating us. “You look beautiful tonight, baby.” I say. “Thanks, Joshy. You look pretty sexy yourself tonight, I must say.” She jokes. I laugh. “Why thank you.”

  A few interviews and many, many pictures later, it’s time for the “group pictures” a.k.a my cue. My face is hot and my palms are sweating. I’m arguing with myself. What if she says no? Josh, she’s not gonna say no. Get a grip... But what if she thinks it’s too early? Gah, get over yourself, Josh. She loves you.

 I feel a pat on my back. It’s Liam. “Good luck, man… and may the odds be ever in your favor.” I’m chuckling, I can’t tell if it’s laughter from Liam’s awesome way he says that Hunger Games quote in his Australian accent, or just from pure nervousness. “She’ll have to say yes.” He whispers. I give him a weak smile. I take a deep breath and walk to join the group photo.

 A few normal pictures of the cast are taken before Liam gives me the signal that the beach scene music has started.

*Note* If you want feels, I would recommend starting the Catching Fire soundtrack #28 Arena Crumbles. If you read it at an average speed it'll go pretty well with the story.* 


  Jen turns to me curiously.

 “Come out here for a sec.” I tell her.

 She laughs. “What is it, Joshy? We’re taking group pictures right now.” I struggle composing my words. God, I’m so nervous! I hope I’m not shaking. “I…I want the group to witness this.” She gives me a look. “Alright.” She says with a grin. She steps out a little further towards the bigger section of the red carpet. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch the group grinning to each other, and Jena gently nudges Donald and points to me and Jen. Donald’s face lights up.

 I grab both of Jen’s hands, and her eyes light up with the Mockingjay Part Two logo flaming on a screen behind me and the torches that are supposedly there for the atmosphere. She smiles at me. Her attention is stolen for a moment when she looks up at the speakers and recognizes the beach scene music. Her white dress is illuminated a tinge of orange, reminding me of when Katniss’s dress caught fire in… ironically… Catching Fire.

  “Jen, you may not realize this, but I feel as though I have loved you ever since we started working together on the very first Hunger Games movie in 2011. Maybe in a different way at the time, but I loved you nonetheless. Now here, in 2015, as the Hunger Games series ends, I have called your attention to ask you a very important question.”

 I reach into my pocket, glance down quickly at my hand to make sure it’s the right thing, and get down on one knee.

 Jen’s hand covers her mouth. I glance back at the rest of the cast, and they’re all grinning and giving me assuring looks and nods and thumbs up.

  “Jennifer Shrader Lawrence, will you please do the honor… of marrying me?”

 A tear goes down Jen’s face and her mouth remains covered by her hand. She finally takes her hand off of her mouth and whispers “Oh my god…”

 I hold my breath for an answer. She starts making a noise that’s between laughing and crying, but it’s mostly laughing.

 “Yes! Yes, Josh! A billion times yes!”

 She crashes her lips onto mine, and my hands are so sweaty that I almost loose grip of the ring I would eventually get to slip onto her finger. She embraces me in a tight hug, and she’s still crying. I’ve never heard a louder cheer at a premiere than I do now. When I make eye contact with her, I wipe away a tear in the middle of her cheek. “Don’t cry, baby. You’ll ruin all that makeup.” She laughs. She buries her head in the crook of my neck and whispers as quietly as she possibly could at a premiere with screaming fans, “I love you.”

 “I love you too, Jennifer.”

  I can now be called Jennifer Lawrence’s fiancé.

 Step two.

Odds in Our Favor: A Joshifer FanficWhere stories live. Discover now