Chapter Two

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Jen's POV:

I wake up to the sun pouring in my bedroom window. It's been about a week since Mockingjay Part One released. So many people loved and hated it at the same time, for one reason. It was so emotionally charged, so much more charged than Catching Fire or the first Hunger Games was. I'll have to admit, its a very emotional movie. Especially what had happened to Peeta. Watching Josh play an emotionally destroyed and confused Peeta was a really heartbreaking thing. Even when I knew that Josh wasn't really hurt, and he wasn't really suffering, seeing him play it was almost like he was. The toughest part was seeing him shed that one single tear in one of the videos the Capitol released. There was also the part when Peeta strangled Katniss, meaning Josh had to at least fake strangle me. After the scene was done filming, Josh had kept apologizing and asking if I was OK. Of course I hadn't been hurt, I was completely fine, but I guess that scene had emotional turmoil on us as well as our characters.

I hear my phone buzz. I unlock it to see that Francis and Josh had been having a group conversation and Francis had added me.

Francis: Hey Jen and Josh.. I was wondering.. You know how we haven't filmed the epilogue scenes yet?

Josh: Yea...

Francis: What do you guys think of filming a love scene?

Josh: ...

I nearly drop my phone.

Odds in Our Favor: A Joshifer FanficWhere stories live. Discover now