Chapter 18

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Josh's POV:

Tonight, I'm hanging out with Sam and Jena at a cafe that serves coffee and cakes. I'm not with Jen though, she went to visit her parents.

"So how are you doing, Josh?" Jena asks me. "Good, good." I respond. "That's good. You should've heard Jen when she called me last night. She was bawling." I raise an eyebrow. "Really?" I ask her. She raises an eyebrow. "You can't possibly tell me she didn't start crying when she saw you last night." I look down at the floor. "Yeah, I can't tell you that. She uhh.. She was pretty upset about what happened to me, and she was so relieved to have me back." Jena laughed a little. "What, Jena?" She smirks. "Anything HAPPEN last night?" I sigh with a huge grin on my face. "No..." "You sure?" She asks, a smirk seemingly stuck on her face. "I'm sure." I smile while looking down at the floor. "But you wanted something to, didn't you?" Still grinning at my feet, I respond, "God, Jena. Why are you interrogating me?" She laughs maniacally. "I wouldn't call it interrogation, Josh. Just curious."

"Yeah, Jena.. Sure." Sam tells her with a laugh. "Sounds like bloody interrogation to me." "Thank you, Sam." I acknowledge him. "You're welcome, Josh." Jena whines at Sam, and says "I just think you two would be cute together!" She takes a forkfull of her cake and pops it in her mouth. Sam glances at me and grins. "Aww.. Josh, you're blushing!" "What? Wait.. I am?" Jena looks up. "Aww! Yeah!" This ultimatley makes my face feel hotter.

Sam leans in and puts his chest partially across the table. "Josh." He whipers rather loudly, "Why don't you and Jen just hook up?" I give him a look. "OK, first of all, Sam.. Sit down." He laughs. "Second of all, the paparazzi would never leave us alone. Third of all.." Jena interrupts me. "Josh, single or not they will NEVER leave you alone. No matter how much you yell at them or tell them politely, they will NEVER leave." I sigh. "Third of all? You were saying?" I don't respond immediately.

"I don't want to destroy our friendship with a love relationship."

They're quiet for a little bit. Finally, Sam speaks. "Josh, you wanna know something?" I look up at him. "My wife and I were best friends in high school...and we were strictly only friends for a while." I smile, suddenly imagining Jen in a white dress, waiting to be renamed Jennifer Hutcherson. I sigh. Too soon, Josh. Far too soon. Hell, that's almost borderline creepy.

"Thanks, Sam." He smiles. Jena winks at me, saying, "I'm sure next time we meet, something will have happened." She looks me up and down. I laugh. "Now, Jena. Don't be flirting with Josh when he digs Jen." Sam scolds her. Jena laughs. "I'm not, Sam! Besides..what's the difference? It's only 1 letter in our names." I laugh again. "Just teasing, Josh." She says, grinning at me. "I know." I smile. Gosh, how did I even pull off 3 movies with these monkeys?

I sigh, thinking how I'm even going to approach Jen.. Or if I want to. Let's just hope all goes well.

Odds in Our Favor: A Joshifer FanficWhere stories live. Discover now