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This time my parents really meant what they said. They were pissed and wanted me to feel the consequences of my doing. 

Back in ym room, I had a little thinking to do. I was not mad at them. They had every right to do so. I was out of control last night and it was worse that it was our first night together as a family in Freeridge. I was supposed to spend the evening with them, help unpack and behave like a normal teenager. Instead I went out getting fucked up. I'm sure they felt helpless last night and incredibly worried.

When I thought about what I put my parents through last night, tears came to my eyes. Now I was really sorry. From my heart I mean. I went down to the kitchen and honestly apologized.

I couldn't even remember everything that happened, but I knew I shouldn't have gotten wasted like that.

When I came back in my room and threw myself on the bed, my phone, fortunately my parents didn't thought about taking it from me till now, dinged.
Picture after picture appeared in the group chat between Tanja, Keisha and me.

I looked through all of them with mixed feelings. In the beginning, I was ashament by my behaviour, but then the pictures triggered my memories to come back and I remembered how much fun we had, which made me smile.

One picture caught my attention. I looked horrible. My skin looked pale, my hair was wild and my shirt was wet because someone spilled something on it. Like some kind of crack junkie.

I messaged them back.
Elly: "Please delete this one. I look like a druggie."

Keisha: "You ARE a druggie ;D"

Tanja: "Don't worry. We just posted the good ones. We have your back."

Elly: "Posted? Where?"

Keisha: "Insta of course. What's the deal? You worried about your parents seeing it?"

Elly: "They don't have my Insta. But like, everybody else could see it..."

Tanja: "For example Spooky."

Elly: "I don't care about him. He's blocked anyway."

Keisha: "Not by me. And he saw my story already."

Elly: "Fuck. So he knows I was at that party last night."

Keisha: "What you mean, of course he knows."

Elly: "Yeah, because you needed to post these pictures."

Keisha: "I think the puke he needed to scratch off his shoes this morning was enough memory."

Tanja: "Please don't remember me. That was a low. Even for me."

Elly: "What the fuck are you even talking about??"

Tanja: "Girl, you don't remember anything or what?"

Elly: "I mean... I remember us dancing, drinking and pooping pills. Except that I'm blank."

Tanja: "And I thought it hit me bad..."

Keisha: "Listen, Oscar walked up to us last night, all mad and shit because we were wasted. He wanted to take you home, even threw you over his shoulder, but you hit him in the balls so he let you down. Then Tanja threw up all over us and we took off."

I needed some time to process all of that. Why he tried to take me home. Was he embarrassed that his former girlfriend would do something like that? Or was he worried about me? Maybe he was worried because he still cared for me. But why was he acting this strange then?

My head hurt from thinking about all this drama, so I dropped these thoughts. I will never know what Oscar felt or thought. Because he didn't want to have shit to do with me. And it was none of my business. I shouldn't care anymore what he thinks about me or if he thinks about me at all.

Mi Amor - Oscar 'Spooky' Diaz/On my block StoryWhere stories live. Discover now