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Elly's view

It was a nice surprise that Oscar visited me in school. Sadly I didn't have much time because my next lesson was about to start.

I wanted to tell him something really important. Something really really important. But we need to talk about that in peace not in between my lessons in the hallway of my school.

So I was forced to wait till he comes back to tell him.

Waiting for him to come back turned out to take longer than I thought. For days I didn't see him. He also didn't write or call.

That was very strange for Oscar. He was never like that. Usually he always contacted me every day, but now nothing for days.

I knew something was off, so I asked around.
I started with Cesar, Sad Eyes and other Santos I knew. Then I asked the crew, Tanja, Keisha and literally almost whole Freeridge.

When I had no idea anymore who to ask I called the police and hospitals to ask about him. Nothing.

Nobody could tell me where Oscar was or what he wanted to do the day he disappeared.

I was about to go crazy and even asked my parents to help me find him which they did of course.

After 5 days without any sign of life from Oscar, I tried to call and write Cesar again. He's been acting very weird since Oscar disappeared, but he doesn't tell me why.

Elly: „Cesar, call me back. Please."
Elly: „I know something is up, but you don't want to tell me."
Elly: „I love Oscar. I need to know where he is and if he's fine."
Elly: „I have something very important to tell him. Tell me if he had contact to you or where I can go to find him."
Elly: „Just tell me where he went the day he said he will do business. I will find him myself."

Cesar: „I have something to handle. Because of the situation with Oscar. Sad Eyes is with me at the moment, but I will send him to you. He will explain everything that happened and what's going to happen."

I knew he knew what was going on. Why didn't he tell me earlier? And why Sad Eyes was with him?

I waited impatiently for Sad Eyes to arrive at my home. When he came, we went to my room immediately. We didn't even sit down, I already started to ask.

Elly: „Cesar told me you will explain everything. What happened to Oscar? Is he okay? Where is he? And why nobody told me something earlier?"

Sad Eyes: „Relax Elly. I'll tell you everything."
I bobbed my feet impatiently.

Sad Eyes: „Well, Oscar met Cuchillos some days before. She changed her mind about 19th Street again, threatened your friends and also you. On top of that Oscar found out that she turned on Ray, his father, back in the days. He feared she would turn on him also soon. That's why Oscar decided to kill her at the meeting with the 19th Street, he had the day he disappeared. Since then no one heard of him, but your friends got a text from Cuchillos. That means she's alive... and he's...."
He stopped and looked to the ground.

My heart started to beat faster and I felt the lump in my throat getting bigger. Tears started to fill my eyes.

Elly: „That can't be true. It can't!"
I almost screamed.

Sad Eyes: „I'm so sorry Elly..."

Elly: „No! You don't understand! It can't be true. I can't raise this child without him! It needs it's father."
He looked at me perplexed.

Sad Eyes: „Ch- Child? You are pregnant?"
He looked at my stomach in disbelief.

Meanwhile the tears run down my face like small rivers. I buried my face in my hands.

Sad Eyes moved more close to me, put one arm around me and I leaned against him. He tried to calm me down by telling me that everything will be alright again.

We sat for some minutes on my bed like that.

Sad Eyes: „Did you tell Spooky? Before... you know...?"

Tears started to fill my eyes again. I shook my head.
Elly: „No... I wanted to, but the day I found out he was in a hurry to go to this meeting and I was in school. And now I'll never have the chance to tell him. He'll never know he has a child."

I felt that I'll collapse soon. Sad Eyes felt it also and he was visibly worried about me and the baby.

Sad Eyes: „Listen Elly. The chances are high that he's dead. I can't lie to you about that. But till now we didn't see a body. 19th Street gave Cesar an address just some minutes before and Oscar's phone. Your friends will go to the address. If Oscar's dead, they will find out and... they will revenge him by killing Cuchillos. If he's not dead, then he will show up. We just need to wait."

Elly: „I can't believe that. And why nobody told me earlier? Bring me to the address! I need to see too."

Sad Eyes: „No Elly! You are pregnant. I won't take you somewhere where people might shoot. You could loose your child from the stress. You need to relax."

It took much time till Sad Eyes talked me into staying here and waiting. These were the longest hours of my life.

Nobody gave us any news for such a long time. Suddenly my phone rang. I didn't know the number, but answered immediately.

I was surprised when abuelita, Ruby's grandma, was on the line.
Abuelita: „Elly, mi pequeña. I've got something that's yours. Come over to pick it up."
She hung up.

I was confused, but I asked Sad Eyes to drive me there.

He waited for me outside in the car and I entered the house. It was quite dark.

I walked through the living room and slowly into the kitchen. Then my heart made a small jump. I saw abuelita sewing together a wounded but alive Oscar.

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