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Elly's view

The party seemed to be in full swing and no one had noticed what had just happened. Ruby had the microphone in hand and everyone was cheering him on.

Ruby: "What up, everybody? I wanna give a big shout-out to Spooky."
The crowd cheered on Spooky, which made me even angrier.

Ruby: "I didn't wanna come tonight. But Spooky made me come."
The crowd laughed about the ambiguity of his words, but I couldn't even force a smile.

Ruby: "And now I feel great. Like a new man. Thank you, Spooky.

Ruby kept talking, but I didn't listen to him because Oscar leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear.
Oscar: "You see, there are also people who are grateful for what I do for them."

I gave him my best are-you-kidding-me-right-now-look.

Ruby kept talking and then started rapping. Surprisingly, Ruby's rap was pretty good. So good that the crowd applauded and felt the need to roll up on the Prophet$ and break the truce.

All people left, just Ruby and Mario and Oscar and I stayed.

Ruby: "Yo. What the hell just happened?"
Mario: "I think the truce just ended."
Ruby: "What? Wait, what? Oh."
Mario: "Let's go dude."
Ruby: "We gotta- We gotta go."
Both of them left quickly, forgetting to take me with them so I stood alone with Oscar in the garden.

It was the first time that we were alone with each other since my departure from Freeridge.

Elly: "Shouldn't you go with them? I could see myself today how much you enjoy to do such things."

Oscar: "I don't like to do such things, but I do what has to be done. But since these fools left you here, I give you a ride home, mi amor."

I was offended by his audacity.
Elly: "No thanks. I can walk on my own. And don't call me like that anymore."

Oscar: "So you go back checking on this guy? And end up getting shot by a Prophet? No thanks, mi amor. And I will call you however I want to."

He lay his hand on my back and pushed me gently in the direction of his car. I didn't resist. He anyway gets what he wants. Every damn time.

We got into his car and drove off silently. I looked to the side, out of the window. Like that I could show Oscar that I was not interested in talking to him and still I could keep an eye on him with the reflection in the window.

Oscar: "What's wrong?"

Elly: "Better ask what's not wrong. That answer would be shorter."

Oscar: "Is it because I beat up this guy?"

Elly: "Of course it is!"

Oscar: "Don't worry about him. He had it coming. He knew what he was getting himself into. Flirting with you and trying to take you home with him."
He chuckled evilly

Oscar: "Idiot. He really thought I would just let that happen."

I was short before losing my shit.
Elly: "Why the fuck didn't you let it happen. We are not together anymore. By your choice, if I need to remind you."

He stopped the car. We were in front of my house.

Elly: "Is it some kind of honor shit? Nobody can touch me because we were once together? Is it anger? Jealousy? That you don't want me to find happiness? What the hell is it?"

Oscar: "Keep your voice down. Your parents will hear you."

I scoffed.
Elly: "That's all you fucking care about? Fuck off!"

I tried to open the door, but Oscar was faster. He reached over to the door and closed it again.

I sighed and leaned my head against the seat. I didn't know what to do with this man anymore.
Elly: "I get the feeling you will do that to me till I'm finally out this town, off to College. To get away from you and your anger problems."

Oscar: "Who says you will ever get rid of me and my anger problems. I can still fuck up your life when you are at College."
He chuckled.

Elly: "You are on a good path."
I saw how his emotions changed. From one moment to another he looked hurt.

He leaned over to my door and opened it.
Oscar: "You should go."

Elly: "All of a sudden?"

Oscar: "I'm not safe. The Prophets could roll up on me any minute. And despite that, I also don't want to fuck up your life even more than I already did."

He spit out the words like they were venom. He was clearly hurt.

I went out of the car.
Elly: "I didn't mean it like that."

Oscar: "I know you didn't. But it's true. I fuck up your life and everybody elses around me. That's the whole point of me staying away from you. Maybe you get it now."

Then he sped off and left me standing there, confused by his words.

I went inside the house and ate dinner with my parents. I used the chance to tell them about my phone. Of course I left out the part where Oscar smashed it in a million pieces.

My father gave me one of his old ones. I ended the evening by activating my new phone. I called anonym at the police station to ask about Flavio.

I was relieved to hear that the cops found him and he was in a hospital.

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Mi Amor - Oscar 'Spooky' Diaz/On my block StoryWhere stories live. Discover now