Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


The rain fell around us, and our hot breath swirled together as we kissed. The sparks created by our lips was equivalent to that of the lighting striking from above us. In this moment, I felt like I was actually living. My heart was beating fast and I could hear nothing but the sound of my pulse in my ears.

Castle pulled back and rested his forehead on mine, grabbing my hands and bringing them to his lips.

"We should get inside," I whispered, convincing no one, not even myself. "We're gonna get sick."

"You've always been one to follow rules, haven't you Katherine?" Castle asked, a piece of hair falling into his eyes.

"I guess that's what makes us different," I suggested, brushing back his hair so that it was a soaked mess on his head. There was no doubt that mine was any different. Strands of it were sticking to my face, water dripping down my cheeks to make it look as if I had been crying.

I bit my lip and looked up at him through my lashes, the look on his face half amused, and half curious. I slowly tilted my head, my eyes fluttering shut and I placed my lips on his once more. He put his hands on the back of my legs and pressed, signaling me to jump. I wrapped my legs around his waist after he hoisted me up, so I was looking down at him.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to keep my hands off you," Castle whispered, his arms wrapped tightly around my back.

"And why's that?" I asked, placing my arms around his neck. The smell of the rain filled my senses and I closed my eyes, enjoying this moment while it lasted.

"Because I want to memorize every single inch of you," He muttered so quietly that I could barely hear it, and then threw me into the air, only to catch me again. If only I knew how symbolic this was.


I wrung my hair out with the towel that Castle's mother, Martha, had given to me, and when she asked why we were dripping wet, we simply told her we got caught in the rain.

We walked into the back of the house, Castle closing the bedroom door once we were inside. He went straight to his dresser drawers and dug around, his tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth.

"Here, you can wear these," He said, tossing me a folded hoodie and a pair of plaid boxers. I stepped back and they both fell to the floor, a look of confusion taking over Castle's features.

"Boxers?" I squeaked, crossing and uncrossing my arms awkwardly.

Castle chuckled and bent over, picking both clothing items up from off of the ground. "They're clean, don't worry Katherine." He held them out and I grabbed them hesitantly, swallowing hardly.

"Turn around," I commanded, raising an eyebrow.

"And what if I don't want to?" He asked, his voice becoming raspy.

"Then I will walk back to my apartment in the rain," AO threatened. "Don't test me, Rick." I didn't like the sound of his name coming off my lips, the feeling so unfamiliar and strange.

Castle clucked his tongue and turned around, running a hand through his wavy, air dried hair.

I smiled to myself and quickly stripped down to my underwear, which was damp as well, but I was definitely not taking them off around Castle. I pulled the hoodie over my head and the boxers up and over my legs, the soft material making me feel fuzzy inside.

"There, I'm done," I said, pulling my hair out from the hoodie and shaking it out, droplets of water landing on my skin.

Castle turned around and I saw his eyes widen, and he licked his lips quickly, unsure of what to do.

"I'm not sure if I should say this," He started, his voice deep and throaty, "But I fucking love the way you look in my clothes."

I blushed and tucked my hands into the sleeves of the hoodie, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. I took a few steps so I was standing in front of Castle, and I traced a finger along the top of his jeans. He stepped backwards slowly and I followed, my steps matching his.

Castle fell back against his bed and brought me down with him, murmuring for me to climb on to his lap. I placed my knees on either side of his thighs and brought my hands to his hair, tugging on it roughly. I'm not sure what came over me, except for this overwhelming need to just feel every inch of his skin, to marvel how beautiful he was.

Castle groaned and pressed on the small of my back, trying to reach his head up to meet my lips.

"I think I wanna try something different," I whispered into his ear before leaning back and grabbing the ends of his shirt, and pulling it over his head. I threw it to the floor and smirked at the sight of his bare chest in front of me.

Castle swallowed and tensed up underneath me. "B-Beckett what are y-you doing?" He asked, his voice wavering.

I ignored him and placed a hand on his chest so he was laying completely flat on top of the sheets. I threw my hair to one side of my head, and strangely I wasn't nervous at all. I felt like I was a predator and he was my prey, and I had complete control over his actions.

I bit my lips and leaned down, placing my lips against his neck, sucking on the sweet spot just below his ear.

In response, Castle wrapped a hand in my hair and his back arched, like he wasn't used to feeling this immediate lack of control. "Fuck," he muttered, biting his lip so hard he drew blood.

I kissed down his chest- making sure to leave numerous marks- and all the way to his v-line. I felt his heart hammering through his chest, his breathing crazy and erratic. I finally got down to his waistline, where I stopped and flicked the button of his jeans triumphantly. I sat up, running a hand through my tangled, unruly hair.

"P-please, don't," He said, struggling to find the right words. I loved the way I could

"I think we're done here," I said, pressing a quick kiss to his lips and smiled as a look of frustration took over his face.


I literally just finished writing this and I haven't edited it because I wanted to get it up as soon as possible. I'm slacking I know I'm a terrible person in sorRy. Btw I don't really like this chapter and there's probably a bunch of mistakes and I haven't been feeling v inspired lately so I'm gonna try to fix that and write as often as I can because I honestly love writing so much, but sometimes I feel like I'm terrible and I shouldn't even waste my time doing this.

So in the past few weeks so much has happened wow. I started watching Mikey Murphy's YouTube videos (check him out he's so great liKe) and I love him so much his videos are A++++ also please go order his merch (link in his Twitter bio ItsMikeyMurphy) and you don't even have to be a fan it's literally just really cute shirts that say "pursuit of happiness" w little crowns aw how adorable. He set a goal and I want him to reach it ^-^

I started making vines and having people teach me how to make cool edits and stuff. If you wanna check that out my vine username is omg stydia and the past few vines are originals from yours truly. If you would revine them I would probably cry and then date you and give you money wait is that prostitution

And besides that, the new castle episodes woW literally don't even talk to me they were all so great seriously stanas acting is on fleek and so is Nathan's and the entire cast amiriTe??

Until next time, adios muchachos (and muchachas don't discriminate) - Hali

Question of the Chapter: What is your favorite animated movie?

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