Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


It was now Thursday and my week had been absolutely, completely uneventful and boring.

After I had gotten home from the date with Josh I finished a bunch of homework and then lounged around in my pajamas the rest of the day until around midnight I got tired of hearing my phone vibrating on the table beside me. So, being the idiot that I am, I texted him back. Our conversation started out sort of awkward, but Castle and I both ended up staying up until five in the morning, entirely engaged in our conversation. I can't really remember all of what we talked about, but it was mostly about getting to know each other, our likes and dislikes, and also a few racy comments on his part that I had chosen to ignore.

We had small conversations during school, and we texted each other in our free time and surprisingly I enjoyed talking to him. I had no clue that Castle and I had so much in common. From reading, to learning, to being so passionate about things we sometimes felt as if we were going to explode, we shared most interests.

Learning all of these things about Castle puts him in a totally new light for me, and I see him as more of an actual person now than I did before. It was weird how in the blink of an eye your perspective on someone or something can change dramatically.

I had just gotten home from school and had sat down on the couch when my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I groaned and pulled it out, sighing heavily when I read the screen.

Castle: hey i'm coming by your place in thirty be ready

Beckett: no where are you taking me

Castle: who said i was taking you anywhere i meant be ready to have the longest movie marathon of your life

Beckett: castle no we have classes tomorrow

Castle: you could always just skip

Beckett: what kind of person do you think i am

Castle: one who watches movies with her friend and skips school just to hang out with him

Beckett: who ever said we were friends

Castle: why katherine beckett i never

Beckett: don't call me katherine

Castle: why not

Beckett: it's pretentious

Castle: it's endearing. now let me drive woman

Beckett: but castle

Castle: no buts, i am going to introduce you to all the best classics

Beckett: you're infuriating

Castle: you love it, really.

And I really couldn't disagree with that.


There were five knocks at the door, making a little pattern so Castle made sure I knew it was him. I rolled my eyes and stood up to answer the door. I was wearing a white undershirt and shorts, and even though I was taught way differently, I was not about to change into something uncomfortable just because I had company over. It was only Castle.

I opened the door and smiled at the sight in front me. Castle with his arms full of DVDs, and from what I could see they were pretty old. I had only heard of a few of them.

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