Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


The next morning I grabbed all of my things, slinging my bag over my shoulder and walked over to Lanie's room to make sure she was awake. I pounded on her door loudly, "Wake up! We have school you lazy ass!"

Her response was throwing something at the door, which I assumed was a shoe, and cursing at me. I rolled my eyes, grabbed my keys and walked out the front door. It was her fault if she failed her freshman year of college, not mine.

Today it was particularly hot outside so I was wearing a simple knee-length navy dress with lacy sleeves down to my elbows. It had a thin, brown leather belt attached to it and flowed a bit at the bottom. I was wearing a pair of crème-colored flats and my hair was plaited into a fishtail braid going down my right shoulder. Honestly, today I felt really confident, something that I didn't feel yesterday. Probably because I was so overwhelmed with nervousness over how my first day was going to go that I didn't give myself a chance to breathe. Today was going to be better and maybe I'll meet some more people and hopefully feel more accepted. It was like my first year of high school all over again. All this worrying and I was completely fine. My high school experience was actually better than most people's. I was valedictorian, homecoming queen, and I was also on the cross country team. Maybe college will be a better experience for me, though. I'm finally getting a taste of that freedom that I've always craved.


It was finally 5th period, and the good thing was that I only had 10 minutes until I met Meredith and Maddie for lunch. This morning during Political Science we had talked a bit and realized that we had a lot in common. She liked the same music as me, her parents were way too overprotective even though she was an adult, and she also liked running. She said it helped her feel free and she just liked to use it to escape every once and a while.

The bad thing was that I still had 10 more minutes sitting here, in this boring class, taking notes as fast as I possibly could. I should never have taken Creative Writing. I was sat in the back- against my wishes since only the idiots sat in the back of the classroom- and I could barely barely hear a word Professor Montgomery was saying.

As I was writing something hit the back of my head and I heard it flutter to the ground. When I turned around all I saw was blue. It seemed like time froze around me as I thought about the precise color of the blue. It was like a sea foam but at the same time it wasn't as green. It was like ice, but bluer. Like the ocean, but lighter. There was no description for the color that was I was looking at right now.

Finally my vision focused on everything else and I saw a boy, maybe a bit older than me, with messy chocolate brown hair and the most enticing blue eyes. He had a smug grin on his face and he was leaning slightly back in his chair. His arms were crossed over his chest and he had an eyebrow arched.

My eyes darted down to the floor to see a paper plane sitting right behind my chair.

I looked at the boy and squinted my eyes, glaring at him. "What is this? Kindergarten?" I snapped, while his friend next to him laughed. I finally looked at him and realized that Kevin, also known as "Rude Barista" was sitting beside the boy with blue eyes, their smirks identical.

The boy shrugged, "I don't think all the girls were this hot in Kindergarten, but I could just be remembering wrong."

I rolled my eyes as Kevin laughed, "Nice one, Castle!" He said, clapping him on the back. Ah, so the blue-eyed boy now had a name.

"Thank you for this little chat, but I would like to get back to the lesson now." I huffed, turning back to the teacher to furiously write down what I missed. If Castle kept being this annoying I was going to have to ask Professor Montgomery if I could switch seats because this was just not going to work.

"Psssst, Beckett." I heard Castle whisper from behind me. I whipped my head around to face him, "How do you know my name?" I asked, annoyed that he wouldn't just leave me alone.

He winked at me, "I know a lot of things." I rolled my eyes at his attempt to trick me with his bad boy charm.

"What do you want?!" I asked, glaring at him. I looked over at the clock and we now had about five minutes left of class. I was not in the mood for this asshole.

"You know, you're cute when you're angry." He smiled at me, and I finally realized how attractive he is. His muscular arms showed through his blue flannel button-up which he was wearing over a black t-shirt. He was wearing black skinny jeans and black slip-on vans, making him look like the stereotypical school bad boy.

"Tsk tsk tsk, didn't your parents ever tell you it was rude to stare, Katherine?" He asked when I didn't answer him. I flushed, partly at the fact he had caught me staring and partly at the fact that he had used my full name. I hated my name, it was too formal and quite frankly it was a mouthful. People usually just called me Kate, or Beckett.

I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes. Breathe, Kate, breathe. I opened my eyes again and looked at him. "Don't call me that."

"It's your name isn't it?"

"I said not to call me that!" I was getting beyond frustrated with this kid.

"I do what I please, Katherine." He said, putting emphasis on my name. I clenched my jaw and balled my fists, trying to not lash out at this guy that I had just met.

Without another word I turned back around, willing myself to ignore him. I saw Professor Montgomery, clipboard in hand, and only now did I hear what he was saying. He was talking about a beginning of the year project.

"I know it's only the second day of school, but you'll have a whole month to work on this assignment, and it's also a way to get to know your peers. I will assign you a partner for this assignment and you will get to know your partner, talk with them, and then write about them. Write about something that you didn't know about them when you first looked at them. My students usually find that this project changes their perspectives of their classmates. When the assignment is due, you will individually come up and present what you wrote." Professor Montgomery looked up from his clipboard at precisely the time that the whole class groaned and complained about having to do this project. He chuckled and tapped his clipboard with his pencil.

"Okay so you'll be partnered up alphabetically which is how I'll be partnering you all year, so get used to it." He said, writing something down.

"These are the people I've partnered together: Adams and Barnes, Beckett and Castle, Celine and Demming..." I tuned out as soon as I heard who I was partnered with. I slowly turned my head around, and found my lovely partner with a smirk on his face that I had to keep myself from slapping off.

"Oh, Katherine, we're gonna have so much fun."


Wow okay so Castle and Beckett have finally met💃 this is by far my fav chapter that I've written and I hope you guys like it too😘 please remember to vote, comment and share with anyone who you think would enjoy this story I love you all so muchhhh😚

Question of The Chapter: What is your favorite TV show?📺🎥

Writer Boy // caskettWhere stories live. Discover now