Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


I bursted through the front door of the apartment in a hurry to get to my room before Lanie caught me.

The whole ride back here was spent with Lanie asking me what happened and me avoiding the question. I really wasn't in the mood to talk about Castle right after he shamed me for being a virgin. I don't know what I'm gonna do for this project, but I'll probably just bullshit it.

I made a beeline for my room, and I had almost mad it before my Lanie yanked on the back of my shirt. I stumbled backwards and stuck my hands out, balancing myself against the wall. I closed my eyes to brave myself against what I knew was coming.

"If you don't tell me right now, what happened back there, I'm gonna smack you, Kate Beckett." Lanie threatened, backing me up against the wall. Even though I had a few inches on her, she was still terrifying, and she could still kick my ass.

"It was nothing," I sighed, shaking my head.

"Hell no. You wouldn't have called if it was just nothing. You would still be back there with Castle. Now why aren't you still back there with Castle?" She pried.

"Fine!" I finally gave in. "We were asking each other questions and it just got out of hand and we started yelling and I didn't like that so I left."

I awkwardly shifted on my feet as Lanie crossed her arms hover her chest and pursed her lips. "And?" She pried.

"He kind of asked me if I was a virgin and I may have called him a whore. Then he said I was pretentious and basically called me a prude. Can I go now?"

Lanie's eyed had widened and her lips parted in shock, but only before a second before her eyes narrowed. "That's it," she said, turning around and grabbing her car keys. "I'm gonna mess that boy up. I swear to god, Kate, if he says anything again I will-"

I interrupted her, grabbing her arm and pulling her back. I was desperate for her to just stay here and not barge into Castle's home and break his nose. He would end up telling everyone that I stuck her on him and I would never live it down. I would be the laughing stock of this school.

"Lanie, please don't do that. Please." I pleaded, looking her in the eye. She sighed and ran a hand through her long, dark hair.

"Okay, but if he says anything else you better tell me or I'll kick your ass."

I laughed, "Likewise."

She kicked at my ankles before walking away to return to her room. I looked after her and smiled, grateful to have a friend like Lanie to beat up bullies for me and to just be there for me. I loved her like a sister and I was so lucky to have someone like her in my life.


5th period. Creative writing. The class that I had been dreading all day. I didn't know if Castle would confront me, and honestly I didn't know if I was going to confront him. The feeling of just having to talk to him again made my stomach churn. I hated him with a passion.

I took a slow breath and walked into the classroom, seeing that only about five people were already in there, excluding Castle and his little buddy. I exhaled in relief and say down in my seat, pulling my creative writing journal out of my bag. When I opened it I noticed only one thing was written on it.

Where does Castle see himself in five years? It read. Working for a publishing company in Manhattan.

My brows furrowed as I read. I hadn't had time to dwell on it before I left, but why did he want to work for a publishing company? Did he want to approve stories and send them through to publishing or did he want to write the stories? Even though I hated him, he was interesting and I found myself wanting to know his secrets.

As I leaned back my in my seat and crossed my arms over my chest, a shadow fell over me, blocking light from the paper I was currently staring at. My eyes flicked up towards the figure and for a moment I was confused. The person standing there was a tall boy, with dark hair and a nicely sculpted jawline. His shoulders were broad, and he was wearing a light blue polo and khaki shorts. He seemed very preppy and sweet, unlike every boy I have already met at this school.

"Hi?" I greeted, raising an eyebrow and smiling, waiting for him to explain himself. He laughed lightly and set his hand on the table, leaning towards me.

"I'm Josh." He said, finally giving himself a name. "I was just uh, wondering if you wanted to come to a party this Friday? I know its a little too early to be having a party but it's a beginning of the year party."

I plastered a smile on my face and tossed my hair over my shoulder. My palms were starting to sweat and my knee was bouncing up and down due to nervousness. A party? Of course I had been to plenty of parties, but they were usually Lanie's parties and everyone that knew me knew that I didn't drink or smoke so they never tried to get me to try it. But I know next to no one at this school, and this is college.

"I'm not sure, I mean I don't really know anyone yet-"

I was cut off by Josh stumbling forward a bit and I saw Castle and Kevin- who I was guessing was Ryan- walk past him, sneering. "Get out of the way, Davidson." Castle muttered.

"Don't be rude." I snapped at Castle, wiping the smirk off of his face. He sent me an ice cold glare, but for all I care he could shove that glare straight up his ass.

I turned back toward Josh and smiled. "As I was saying, I would absolutely love to come to that party this weekend."

I saw Castle's lips part in my peripheral vision and mentally congratulated myself, because he obviously didn't like Josh. I didn't want to stoop to his level, but I got some sense of joy out of making him mad.

"Really?" Josh beamed. "That's great! Here's my number, text me tonight?" He handed me a small slip of paper with his number on it.


Josh grinned cheekily at me and walked over to the other side of the room, taking a seat by himself.

A deep voice came from behind me. "You're not going to that party."

I turned around and glared at Castle, who was leaning forward with a serious look on his face.

"Excuse me?!" I asked, offended.

"I said you're not going to that party."

"You don't get a say in what I can and cannot do, Castle." I was furious at the fact that he thought he could tell me what to do when we literally met yesterday.

"Kate, just trust me." He pleaded, his eyes boring into me. I was surprised that he had actually called me Kate, and not Katherine. "Josh is not who you think he is, and he hangs out with the wrong crowd. You're going to end up hurt."

"Says the guy wearing torn up skinny jeans. Says the guy who sleeps with everything in sight. Says the guy who I know really hangs out with the wrong crowd." Ryan's eyes shot up from his phone and narrowed at me, like I said something wrong. I ignored him and continued.

"If anyone in this situation is wrong, it's you. Don't think you can just come into my life and insult me and control me, because if you think for a second that I belong to you or something like that, I will cut off your hands and feed them to my dog." Castle's eyes widened like he didn't know that I had enough guts to say something like that to him. I huffed and turned back around, just as the bell rang and Professor Montgomery walked into the room to start class.

Someone needed to teach Castle that not everyone is gonna take his shit, and as much as it pains me, I know that I'm gonna have to be the one to do it.


okay bæs I'm v v v sorry this chapter is late and idk I just wrote this in like an hour and I know I hate myself too but I had to clean for my party yesterday and I just didn't have time but I'm updating now ily I'm sorry🙊

Question of the Chapter: When is your birthday?🎉🎁

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