Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I groaned in frustration as I sat at my desk, fingers hovering over my laptop's keyboard, but nothing to write. I couldn't even think up a semi-believable lie about Castle- one that was good enough to get an A-plus, that is.

I wonder if he was stressing about this as much as I am right now, or if he was just gonna try and come up with a shitty lie that would get him at best, a C-minus. I sure as hell was not going to do that. It would only be a month into school when we got this grade and it would probably drop my average to a B-minus, which my parents would never accept in a million years.

That's what it was like growing up at my house was like. If I didn't make an A-plus in every subject, they took everything away from me that could possibly be considered as fun. I couldn't go outside and play, I wasn't allowed in the game room or the media room, they took away handheld video games and also cartoons. At first it was difficult for me to balance school and sports and my social life, while also getting eight hours of sleep at night, but as time went by, it got easier and I found myself adapting to this stressful lifestyle. Now that I was away at college, they couldn't take away my car or my cell phone, but they could do something a thousand times worse than that. They could cut me off completely. They sent me five-grand each month just so I could get by. If they did that, I would be forced to move out of the apartment and back home, which would also end up in Lanie having to find a smaller apartment or move back in with her parents as well. I just find that making good grades is easier than living with my parents, even if I had to study more than party.

I pursed my lips and ran a hand through my hair. Tomorrow was the party, and I had been texting Josh since yesterday just getting to know him and what he was like. I learned that he was a junior and that's when I started thinking, what would a junior want with a freshman like me? And not just a regular, average junior, but a popular, widely-known junior who I may add is severely attractive.

Today after my yoga class he came to talk to me and he looked absolutely gorgeous. He had just gotten out of football practice and his dark hair was messy and damp with sweat, and I just couldn't stop staring at his biceps because it seems they were sculpted by the gods. I wasn't one to marvel at other people's beauty, but when they looked like Josh, I just had to.

It had been 2 hours since I had sat down to write and I had absolutely nothing. I had come straight home, and tried to get to work on this damn project and I couldn't come up with a lie that was good enough to suit his personality. I guess that was the thing about this project, there was no way out of it.

I decided there was only one way I was going to get this project done, and that was to do it the way it was intended to be done. I grabbed my bag off the bedroom floor and slung it over my shoulder, also grabbing my cell phone just in case Lanie needed me, which I doubt she would since we hadn't spoken since my little outburst yesterday. I made a mental note to apologize to Lanie after I got back because the guilt on my shoulders from yelling at her was weighing me down and I didn't like the feeling that it put in my stomach.

As I was headed out I passed Lanie in the living room, who was sitting on the couch with her legs tucked under her and a magazine on her lap. I gave her a half-smile as I grabbed my keys off the rack, a smile in which she returned.

As I was driving to Castle's house, I thought of all the things that could go wrong, which is something I really need to stop doing because all it does is make me nervous and jumpy. He could kick me out, he could yell at me and insult me some more, he could even tell everyone that I showed up at his house at 8:00 at night just to spite me. And all I wanted was to get this damn project done so I could focus on everything else in my life and get the hell away from Castle.

I pulled into Castle's driveway about 5 minutes later, taking a deep breath before I got out, praying that this would go as planned.

I walked up the steps and onto the porch, knocking on the wooden door a few times before stepping back. After a few seconds, the door opened and Castle's mother answered it, which threw me off completely since I was suspecting Castle. Her hair was in bouncy curls like last time and she was wearing an abundance of colorful jewelry.

"Hi Ms. Castle. Is your son home?" I asked sweetly, tucking a hair behind my ear. She seemed like an extremely welcoming mother, and that surprised me considering Castle's attitude towards the world.

"Oh, call me Martha, honey." She insisted. "And yes he is in his room." Martha grabbed my hand and pulling me in the house. "Richard didn't mention you were coming over.

I blushed, "I may or may not have mentioned it to him. I just decided that I wanted to get some work done on our project.

"That's quite alright Katherine, dear."

"Oh, you can call me Kate." I corrected.

"Nonsense! Katherine is a beautiful name that symbolizes purity and clearness! You should be honored to be entitled to such a name."

I laughed at her over dramatization of my name.

"You know where Richard's room is, right darling?" She asked, headed for the kitchen.

"Yes ma'am. Thank you, Martha." I started towards Castle's bedroom, wishing I could stay and talk to the nice woman instead of work on this project with someone who couldn't give a shit about his grades.

"Oh no problem, Katherine. Have a nice day!"

As I made my way down the narrow hallway, I looked at the pictures hung on the wall. There were pictures of who I was guessing was Martha about twenty years ago, and there were also pictures of Castle with his friends or at school. What I did notice was that there were no pictures of his father. Were his parents divorced? Did his father pass away?

I shrugged and made it to Castle's room, unsure if I should turn the knob rudely or knock. I decided that if I was demanding, he might have to listen to me.

I swung the door open and barged into his room, stomping into the center of his room. He was sat on his bed with messy hair and a laptop situated on his legs.

"You..." I yelled but then trailed off, noticing that he was without a shirt. "Are shirtless."

He raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms over his tan chest. "Very nice detective skills you've got there, Beckett." He teased.

"Listen," I snapped. "We need to do this project, wether you like it or not."

"What's in it for me, Little Miss Sunshine?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes at the nickname. What could I possibly offer him to make him give me the information I needed?

"I don't know, maybe not failing."

"Nice try, but that's not good enough." He shut his laptop and placed it at the end of the bed. Under the light of his bedroom I watched as his tight muscles moved smoothly under his skin. Stop it, Kate. "I want you to promise me that you won't go to that party with Josh." He said.

My lips parted slightly, but I shut them so he wouldn't see it. "Deal." I lied.

He quirked an eyebrow. "Really? I thought you were going to put up a fight. You know, yell at me or some shit."

"Well grades are more important than partying. I'm not gonna fail the first project I'm assigned."

He shrugged and then leaned back against his bed. "Then let's get started, I guess."

"Are you not gonna put a shirt on?"

He smirked and placed his hands behind his head. "Not a chance."



castle you cocky lil shit ok im sorry this is a filler but in the next few chapters imma try to make it more interesting im sorry

Question of the Chapter: What's your favorite pizza topping?¿ 🍕🍕🍕

Writer Boy // caskettWhere stories live. Discover now