Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


I hadn't even made it out of the parking lot when my phone started ringing obnoxiously. You have got to be kidding me. I fished through my purse and yanked it out, putting it between my ear and shoulder while I drove.

"Hello?" I answered irritably.

"Hi?" A confused male voice said, sounding a bit scared at my outburst. Shit. I looked at the caller ID to see Josh's name printed in bold at the top of the screen.

"Sorry, I thought you were someone else," I lied, not exactly in the mood to talk to anyone. I just wanted to go home, take more pain relievers and read a book.

He laughed and began to talk. "I thought we could do something today. Maybe I could take you out for some lunch?" I internally groaned and wanted to punch myself in the face, but I couldn't just say no. The thought of going out with Josh is slightly intriguing since he's such a nice guy, but he seems so boring. I always told myself that if I couldn't have a debate about any topic in the world with the person I was dating, that I should not be dating them. Granted Josh and I aren't dating, I feel that his intentions go further than just being friends.

"That sounds lovely!" I said cheerfully, a fake smile on my face even though no one would see it. I was already dressed up and ready to go out that I might as well get some lunch as well. My stomach grumbled, agreeing with me.

I'll pick you up at yours in 30?" He asked, and I could hear the surprise in his voice. Did he think that I was going to flat-out say no?

"Sounds like a plan." I obliged, giving him my address and hanging up. I sighed, and banged my head on the steering wheel, only igniting the pain that unfortunately reminded me of last night's actions. As I drove home I started thinking to myself, wondering what Castle was doing. I know I should have stopped myself before I even started, but he currently consumed my mind completely. I started asking myself questions about him that I don't think I will ever know the answer to. Is he thinking about what happened last night? Does he remember the way my tongue felt against his, exactly like I do? The way my hands felt tangled in his hair? The way his body ignited wherever I was pressed against him?

I sucked in a sharp breath and realized that I wasn't talking about him anymore. I was talking about myself. I looked into the mirror above my dash and saw my wild eyes staring back at myself, and my cheeks flushed a dark cherry red. I need to erase these memories from my mind, and though I know I shouldn't act as if they ha never happened, that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I pulled into my parking space and got out of the car, taking long strides across the tar and skipping every other step on the stairs. I just needed to get inside where I could breathe, and feel safe, feel at home.

I fumbled with my keys as I tried unlocking the door. Finally on my fourth try I got it open and rushed inside, slamming the door behind me. I leaned against it and took a deep breath. My heart was racing and my body was swirling with all of these sudden emotions. I pushed back the loose pieces of my hair with my hand and slid down the door until I was sitting down with my knees pressed tightly to my chest. I wrapped my arms around them and tucked my head between, catching my breath.

What was happening to me? I never got this caught up in my own emotions. If anything, I was always worrying about others' and if they were okay. I never stopped to ask myself how I was feeling or if I needed to just take a break for a little while. I was always going forward, never on pause for a second, until now that is.

When the knock at the door came from behind me I almost jumped out of my own skin. I scrambled for a second, gathering my thoughts and clearing my head, realizing that Josh was coming to pick me up and that my life was in fact not on pause even if I had a momentary emotional collapse.

I straightened myself out and checked my appearance in the mirror. My cheeks were flushed pink against my pale skin and I looked lively. I turned towards the door and swung it open, putting a smile on for Josh.

But the person standing in front of me was certainly not Josh.

Castle was standing there with his hands shoved in his pockets, looking down at his shoes. When he heard the door open his head snapped up immediately. A strand of hair fell into his face and he pushed it back up, a scared, vulnerable look on his face. He was wearing a grey shirt that was tight against his muscular figure, and black jeans that clung to his legs. There were deep circles under his eyes and it looked like he hadn't gotten a wink of sleep.

"Castle," I breathed, "what the hell are you doing here?" I was surprised to see him show up at my doorstep at three in the afternoon.

"I just.. I umm.. I was going to," he couldn't quite seem to find the words that he was looking for. "I came to apologize for last night."

"What?" I probably sounded as shocked as I felt.

"I shouldn't have done that to you. I'm sorry." He awkwardly shifted from one foot to another, avoiding direct eye contact with me.

I felt a deep anger building in my stomach towards this conniving fucker. He thinks he can just show up to my house after leading me on like that and then disappearing like he was never even there? Hell no.

"What's this?" I asked sarcastically. "The bad boy who shamelessly sleeps with every girl on campus just to keep a reputation is actually apologizing? Wow, I never thought I would live to see this day." I leaned against the frame of the door, crossing my arms. A sudden wave of confidence had washed over me and I felt like I could win this battle.

His sincere look suddenly hardened into a look of pure anger. "You don't know shit about me you-"

"Yes I do! I know that you're arrogant and selfish and the only thing you care about is yourself." I said, cutting him off. "You don't think about the consequences your actions have Mr. Castle, and let me tell you, that in the real world you're gonna get eaten alive."

He was practically fuming now, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. Good. He deserves to be told no at least once in his entire life, God knows he hasn't.

"Listen here, if you knew anything about the real world you would know that not everyone gets by as easy as you with expensive ass cars and their own apartment. If anyone is oblivious to how the real world actually is, it's you. You don't have a damn clue what it's like to live not knowing if you'll even have dinner or if you'll be able to take a shower. You're a spoiled brat who doesn't know a life aside from money." By the end of his speech, both of us were breathing hard, like all the oxygen was being sucked from the earth.

I opened my mouth to make a comeback, but I jumped when a voice sounded from a few feet away.

"Kate?" It asked. Castle and I both turned to the side and I tensed as I realized that the person speaking was Josh.

If I knew anything, I knew that Castle had a temper, and I also knew that I was in trouble when his eyes closed and his breathing slowed. It was like the calm before the storm.

lol I would've updated like yesterday or Friday but I was at a camp thing for my criminal justice club and there was a cute boy and he thought I was 17 lol nah bruh. And also im sorry I haven't updated in a while but I s2g I'll update again within this week because thanksgiving break hell yeah how fun. But I know you guys are gonna like the next chapter I know you will. ALSO CASKETT IS MARRIED AND I COULDNT BE ANY MORE CONTENT WITH MY LIFE I COULD CRY THEIR VOWS ARE SO BEAUTIFUL NDJZNSKSN

Question of the Chapter: Are you in any clubs?📒

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