Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


I stood in the dark room for what seemed like years, my breathing never slowing. I pulled down my dress that had ridden all the way up my thighs and straightened out my hair, which honestly probably look like I had just woken up with a hangover.

I thought about what Castle and I had been doing and violent chills overtook my body. I had made out with plenty of people before, but none that made me feel...that way. I wasn't sure how to put it. It was like a thousand fireworks exploding inside of me all at once, igniting fire in my blood. But there was one thing that scared me more than anything else. If Castle hadn't stopped, I still wouldn't have stopped him.

I took a slow step towards the door and stumbled, forgetting about the restrictions my high heels caused.

"Damnit," I cursed, leaning down and yanking the heels off my feet, groaning in relief at the soft sensation of the carpet. I held the shoes in my hands and opened the door, slowly stepping out. The music was still deafeningly loud, and there were people stumbling drunkenly through the halls, giggling and taking each other's clothes off. There were red cups and spilled alcohol all over the floor and for a second, I had forgotten the direction back to where my friends were. I walked quickly, dodging the wasted, horny teenagers and did my best to ignore the oncoming headache; the lovely effect of alcohol.

I turned the last corner and bumped into a small figure. I looked up from the ground to see Maddie's eyes staring straight back at me. She raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms, expecting an explanation.

"Hi," I said quietly.

"Don't you 'hi' me." She sneered. "Tell me what happened. Right. Now."

I bit my lip and looked at the ground, every fiber of my my body desperately just wanting to go home. Maddie's foot started tapping impatiently and as I thought quietly to myself, my knuckles turned white. I looked up at her, strands of hair falling into my face.

"How 'bout you drive me home, and I'll tell you on the way back." It wasn't as much of a question as me flat-out bribing her, but oh well. I was in no condition to drive myself home and I knew Maddie hadn't been drinking, so I felt that this was a fair trade.

She rolled her eyes, but held her hands out for my keys. I awkwardly pulled them out of my bra and set them in her palm. "Let's go." She sighed.

Shit, I thought. I still hadn't figured out where Lanie had ventured off to when she left me. I couldn't just leave her here, she was my best friend after all. I held up a finger. "Let me go find Lanie."

"I'll pull up the car." She informed, turning towards the front door, swaying her hips along the way.

I walked throughout the house looking for where Lanie could have gone off to, unfamiliar with everything around me. As I was peeking around corners and trying to shield my eyes from others, a boy who looked around 20 put his hand on my shoulder, stopping my search.

I looked up at him with wide, terrified eyes, no clue what he was going to say to me. His blonde hair was styled in a perfectly gelled quiff, and his teeth absentmindedly played with his black lip ring.

"I noticed you were looking for someone?" He asked sweetly, taking his hand off my shoulder and crossing his arms. His voice wasn't American, but I couldn't really place it. It was somewhere in the Eastern hemisphere of the Earth, for sure, but I had had too much alcohol to really recognize it.

"U-um, yeah." I stuttered. "Red dress, dark hair, really big stilettos."

His eyes widened before he let out a loud laugh. "Lanie?" He asked incredulously. I nodded and he made a gesture with his hand to follow him. He walked towards an even darker part of the house, a hallway that snaked off from somewhere around the kitchen, and I followed, trying to be as silent as I could, but my heels were clacking loudly against the wood floor. The boy opened a door and inside were about 5 people, passing around a bottle of wine, each taking huge gulps and giggling at their own drunken states. Lanie sat at the head of the group, as per usual, cheering every time the bottle came back around to her.

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