Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I took a deep breathe and glared at Lanie, who had a smug grin on her face like she was just waiting for something to happen. She walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, resting her elbows on yen white countertop and putting her chin in her hands.

Well?" she taunted. "Go on." I looked at her furiously and huffed, stomping over to the door. Castle was my partner on this goddamn project and nothing more.

Once I was in front of the door I closed my eyes and took a breath through my nose, my hand hovering over the knob. Don't kill him and it will all be okay, I thought silently.

I yanked the door open and plastered a fake smile onto my face, my eyes meeting a matching pair of blue ones. Castle was leaning against the wall outside of our apartment, his shoulder resting on the brick. His arms were crossed as well as his ankles. When he saw me, he began to smirk but then his eyes raked down my legs and I couldn't really tell, but it looked like his pupils had dilated slightly.

"Shit," he breathed, standing up straight and trying to look anywhere other than me. Puzzled, I cocked my head. "What?" I asked.

He coughed awkwardly and shoved his hands in the pockets of his black skinny jeans. Now he was just wearing vans, jeans and a white T-shirt which I could easily see his toned chest through, but I wasn't about to say anything. "Nothing, nothing." He murmured, looking at his feet.

"Okay? I'm just going to get my bag and then we can go." I opened the door a little bit more and gestured for him to come inside. "Don't go anywhere, I will be out in two seconds." I scolded, stalking off to my bedroom.

I quickly closed my bedroom door and leaned against it, running a nervous hand through my hair. I wanted tonight to just run smoothly, so I would never have to talk to this kid again. I pushed myself off the door and ran around my room, trying to find my small bag with study materials in it.

"Where the hell is my damn bag?" I muttered to myself, rifling through my neatly organized closet. This never happens. I never lose stuff.

"Are you looking for this?" A voice came from behind me, making me scream and stumble forward. I turned around to see Castle, holding my purple study bag in his hands, a devious spark in his eyes.

I glared at him and snatched my bag from his taunting hand. "I thought I had told you to stay put," I seethed.

"I got lonely." He shrugged.

"I hate you."

"Sure you do."

I groaned in frustration and slung my bag on my shoulder, heading for the front door, Castle right behind me. I ignored him all the way to the parking lot, waiting by the passenger door of his Honda Accord for him to unlock it.

Castle manually unlocked his car door and got in, not bothering to unlock any of the other doors. He cracked open the passenger window and looked up at me.

"Castle," I complained, "Let me in."

"Not until you say sorry for being mad."

"Let me in the goddamn car or I swear to fu-"

"Language, Katherine."

"That's not my-"

"Yes it is."

I pounded on the window until finally I heard the locks click. I got in the car and crossed my arms over my chest, my teeth clenched. 1, 2, 3, I counted in my head, trying to remain calm, when I was rudely interrupted, again.

"Whatcha doin?" Castle asked, leaning his elbow on the center console, his eyes focused on my face.

"Trying to keep myself from punching you." I answered bluntly.

Castle laughed and my blood boiled. What did he think I was? A damn comedian?

"What are you laughing at?! Do you think I'm trying to be funny?"

"No, I think you're completely serious," He said, turning on the car. "But there's no way I would let you punch me."

"I would love to watch you try and stop me." I urged, balling my fists.

He laughed again, revving the engine and pulling out onto the main road.

After 5 minutes of silence, not exactly awkward, but definitely not comfortable, Castle spoke.

"You're mad." He observed.

"No shit." I said, my voice thick with sarcasm.

"Well, you might want to get over that, because we're here." He pulled into a gravelly drive way and parked the car.

"You have your own house?" I asked, stepping out of his car and grabbing my bag.

"No, this is my mother's house, but she's hardly ever home, so I usually just have the house to myself." He answered simply as we walked up the steps.

I nodded and looked around. This house was much smaller than my childhood home but it definitely looked it cozier and safer. I don't know why, but when I looked at his house I felt all fuzzy and warm inside. Maybe because my parent's house was lonely, and I usually just locked myself in my room for hours upon hours to study.

Castle stuck the key in the lock and opened the front door, welcoming me into his home.

"This," he introduced, "Is Casa de Castle." I walked inside to see a brightly lit living room with two sofas and a small TV in the center of a bookcase, which had dozens of books stacked on the shelves. His house smelled like cinnamon and sugar, a scent that was coming from the kitchen.

"Richard!" A voice called from inside the kitchen. Castle sighed and dropped his car keys into a dish that rested on a table in the hallway.

"Ah, hell." He muttered as a smiling woman came walking out of the kitchen. She had on heels and a cooking apron, which was an odd mix, but I didn't question it. Her curled red hair was bouncing around her face, and her hands were clasped together in front of her.

"Hello, mother." Castle greeted, pecking his mother on the cheek. I giggled quietly and he gave me a look as if to say 'stay quiet or I will kill you' but I didn't really think he would.

"Well Richard, who is the gorgeous young woman?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips and cocking her head.

"This is Katherine." He introduced.

"Kate." I corrected, feeling heat rise up into my cheeks.

"As I was saying," he continued, "Katherine and I were partnered up for a school project and we really need to get started on it. Talk you later. I love you. Goodbye, mother."

Castle quickly slung his arm around my neck, surprising me, and dragged me to the opposite side of the house into a hallway that split into 3 different rooms at the end.

Castle removed his arm from around me and went into the room on the far left, and I hastily followed. His room was average, the walls painted red, nothing covering them except for small pieces of paper that were tacked onto the wall. I couldn't really make out what they said.

His room was surprisingly neat, aside from his bed, where his sheets were gathered at the foot and his comforter was piled up in the middle of it. I didn't want to say it... But it was actually nice. There were a lot of books lined up on shelves and when I say a lot, I mean a lot.

My eyes roamed over his room and Castle plopped down on the floor and looked up at me from where he was sitting.

"Let's get started."



ew filler I'm sorry. ily don't hate me.

Question of the Chapter: Who is your favorite actor or actress? 💃👯👠

Writer Boy // caskettWhere stories live. Discover now