Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


I sat at the foot of Castle's bed and he sat against the headboard, still shirtless. My journal was placed in my lap and I was finally getting some answers for my project. Castle was also asking me a few questions, scribbling down the answers on a spare piece of paper.

I had learned a lot about Castle. He had never met his father, he was a Junior like Josh, he was 20, he had never left the state of New York, he had even broken his leg once, after Ryan and Esposito had dared him to jump off of a roof and onto a trampoline. Let's just say, he missed the trampoline by about a foot.

"What's your middle name?" I asked.

"I actually have two. The first one is Edgar and the second is Alexander." He twirled the pencil between his fingers.

I furrowed my brow. "Why do you have two?"

"I changed my name when I turned 18. My birth name was Richard Alexander Rogers. It's now Richard Edgar Castle."

"But your name was fine before-"

I started, but he interrupted, "I just wanted to be different. Next question. What's your favorite song?"

"How is my favorite song relevant?" I asked. "Aren't we supposed to ask questions about our lives, or struggles or something like that?"

Castle shrugged. "A person's favorite song says a lot about them. When you're getting to know someone, you start off light, and then you dig deeper."

He said this like it was common knowledge. It kind of irritated me how philosophical he was. He was supposed to be the kid that aimed for, at best, a C in each class. He was supposed to be the guy that partied every night and skipped school the next day, because he was too hungover to even move. He was supposed to be the guy that only cared about maintaining his social status. But the farther I got in this project, and with each question I asked him, I was starting to believe that all of the things I had thought about him were becoming less of a fact, and more like my judgement, which had clouded my vision. I still wasn't over what he had said to me, and he would have to earn back my respect, but underneath the ripped up skinny jeans, and the tough, badass exterior, was a really nice guy that I might be able to become friends with.

Kate, stop it. He called you a prude. He shamed you for being a virgin. He's not worthy of being your friend. You hate him. You despise him.

I shook my head to clear all negative thoughts, and then plastered a smile on my face. Castle was still waiting for my answer.

"Okay," I caved, "My favorite song is In My Veins by Andrew Belle."

Castle's mouth popped open. "No way."

I frowned. "What?"

"That can't be your favorite song. I thought your favorite song would be by some bubblegum boy band or chart music."

I folded my arms over my chest. "It's a really good song, and I just love how it portrays love. Sometimes you don't get a choice over who you love, it just happens to you, and you may not like it at first, and you may try to tell yourself that you're not feeling what you're actually feeling, but it's there. It's euphoric. It's overwhelming. It's indescribable."

Castle slowly leaned back and ran a hand through his hair. He looked up at the ceiling and just let out this small laugh and shook his head. When he looked at me again, there was a smile that I had never seen on his face before. It wasn't a one-sided grin, or a cheeky smirk, it was an genuine ear-to-ear smile that lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Damn," He marveled. "You really are something, aren't you?"

I blushed and shook my head. "What do you mean?"

"What you just said... No girl that I've ever known has said anything like that."

"Maybe you've just been talking to the wrong girls." I suggested.

He eyed me for a long time, his eyes kind of darting back and forth, taking me back to the first day we met, when he had stopped me in the hallway. He had looked at me like I was a book of foreign languages and he couldn't figure me out. It was different now, it was a gentler stare, not as cold and unfamiliar. It was like he had come to understand me. Not all of me, but enough of me.

I coughed and looked down at my paper. "Hobbies?" I asked.

"I knew this question was coming." He sighed, like he was disappointed I asked.

I sat there confused, waiting for him to just answer the question, when he looked up at me seriously. His blue eyes were once again cold, and he looked angry.

"I'm gonna tell you this, but if you tell anyone, and I mean anyone, I will make sure by the end of the semester that everyone at the campus despises you."

I widened my eyes and let out a small breath that I had been holding in. "What?" I squeaked.

He ran a hand through his hair and then let out a breathy laugh.

"I can't believe I'm telling you this." He curled his legs up to his chest and this was probably the most vulnerable I had seen him

"Just tell me already." I urged, becoming scared of this little secret. What if he dealt drugs, or had gotten a girl pregnant?

He mumbled something into his hands that I couldn't make out, and then he looked up at me with guarded eyes.

"I didn't hear what you said, Castle." I giggled. "It can't be that bad."

"I like writing." He said looking down. What? What was so bad about liking to write? Lots of people write for a living, and some just as a pastime or a side job.

"Why is it so adamant that no one knows you write?" I asked. There was nothing for him to be ashamed of. What if his writing was amazing? Suddenly I really wanted to know what he wrote about, and how he wrote and if he was good or not.

"You wouldn't understand." Castle puffed out his cheeks and stood up. He ran a hand through his hair and looked around.

"That's enough homework for tonight, let's continue this another day." He said. He looked stressed, tired and worn out.

I nodded and grabbed my things. I wasn't going to invade on his privacy anymore than I already had, and clearly it bothered him that I knew, but I still had one more question.

"Am I the only one that knows?" I asked quietly, standing up and slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Um, yeah." He played with his hands and looked down at the ground.

"Goodnight, Castle." I gave him a small smile and walked through the halls and out the front door. When I got in my car, I sat there for a few minutes just thinking about everything.

Thinking about how Castle and I had gotten through this whole night without fighting, how we had actually gotten some work done, and how he had shared a secret with me that no one else knew.

All that was left to think about was the stunningly beautiful, blue-eyed Writer Boy with a bad reputation but a seemingly good heart.



wowza character development yayay!1!1!1 also if you try and tell me this is too early in the story for character development or feelings or anything pls reread this chapter carefully there is a very nice foreshadowing piece within it thank you. I hope you like this chapter pls comment if you did or not because I need opinions. Authors mold their writings based on their readers opinions if you didn't already know that.


Question of the Chapter: What's your favorite book?📚📖

Writer Boy // caskettWhere stories live. Discover now