Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


To say I woke up feeling a little sick would be an understatement. My head was pounding, the room was spinning, and I felt like I was going to be sick every time I moved.

I rolled over in bed and groaned at the sunlight glaring through the windows, making me wince when I opened my eyes. I wanted to yank the curtains closed and lay in bed all day, but unfortunately I had places to go and people to see. Oddly enough, the events of last night still remained etched into my memory, but I found myself rarely thinking about them.

I forced myself to sit up slowly in my bed and trudged to my bathroom, my eyes half closed the entire way. The entire apartment seemed dark, all the curtains had been closed from the day before, and it didn't even look like it was noon just yet.

Before I went to the bathroom I stopped outside of Lanie's room, wondering how she must be doing after her wild night. If I was feeling this awful, then she must be feeling ten times worse. Although, Lanie had been drunk more times than I could count, always skipping classes due to hangovers of epic proportions.

I opened her door with a loud creak, my face scrunched together as I waited for a pillow, or even worse, a shoe, to hit me in the face. After a few seconds I relaxed and stepped into her room. It was completely pitch black, and I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face, though I was able to hear Lanie's snores loud and clear, even from across the room. I flicked the ceiling fan light on and if it weren't for my headache, I would've bursted out laughing and the site in front of me.

Lanie was sprawled across her bed with half of her body hanging off. She still had on her dress and heels from last night, and the tangles in hair was going to take forever to comb out. Her makeup was smudged all over her face, sweat having caused it to run down her cheeks.

I grinned and turned the lights back off, walking out and shutting the door behind me.

Lanie could be irrational, conceded, and sometimes just downright hateful towards every human being she came in contact with. But in the end shes always been there for me, and that's something I can't forget when I feel like wringing her neck. She's an amazing friend, and I couldn't ask for anyone better to share every aspect of my life with.

I made my way to the bathroom and grabbed the bottle of painkillers off of the counter, swallowing a few in effort to rid myself of the horrid remains of my first hangover. I was never drinking again.

Okay, that's exaggerating it a bit. I just wouldn't drink as much as I did last night all in one sitting.

I took one look in the mirror and sighed at my appearance. Like Lanie, I hadn't taken my makeup off before I went to bed, and there was black smudged around my eyes, making me look equivalent to that of a zombie.

I brushed out my hair into its natural curls, and then tied it into a Dutch braid that went halfway down my back. I reapplied my makeup quickly and pulled on a black skirt that went to my knees, with a plain white shirt tucked into it. I slipped a pair of sandals on my feet, grabbed my bag, along with Luke's number that he had given me last night, and slipped silently out the door.


"No way!" I tried to keep my laugh to a minimum as Luke replayed a few of last night's events to me. We were surrounded by the quiet buzz of the campus coffee shop, people chatting and typing away on their laptops, others sitting silently by themselves and sipping their coffee in peace.

"I'm not joking!" Luke's laugh was deep and his accent rang through clearly. "She tried to jump on the table, and half of us had to pull her down! We were afraid she was going to break her neck!" His face was red as he struggled to catch his breath.

I had called Luke and asked him to meet me at the coffee shop so I could properly thank him for last night, but I've actually made a new friend. A very cute and kind friend who was probably about as innocent as a five year old girl. I figured out this was his second year of college and that he had moved here from Australia to experience new things.

I was curled up in the booth by the the window and I hardly had time to breathe between laughs. I shook my head at the thought of Lanie dancing on a table top, but I knew that it was most likely true, and they probably did have to drag her off of the table before she drunkenly fell off and hurt herself.

"It sounds like you had a fun night." I said as I stopped laughing, wiping away a few tears that had escaped. He nodded and chuckled, then cocking his head to the side he spoke. "How about you?"

"What about me?" I asked cluelessly.

"How was your night? You seemed a little frustrated when I found you."

I sighed and turned my head, looking out the shop window. People were bustling down the street in their too short shorts and see through tank tops. Many of them were carrying bags from clothing shops and some were walking along with their friends, laughing about things I would never know about. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if the entire slate of my life was wiped clean, and I got to start fresh in a new place, make new friends, and also new memories. One part of me feels like it would be the best things I could ever do. Just get away from everyone and everything. But the other half of me realizes that if I lost everything that is important to me in this world, life would not be worth living. It's a constant battle between these two parts of me that crave the complete opposite things.

"Definitely not what I was expecting for my first college party." I didn't know if I wanted to tell this boy that I had just met that I basically gave this other boy that I had just met a lap dance and made out with him shamelessly in a back room.

He nodded and fortunately didn't ask what happened. I opened my mouth to talk but my phone started buzzing on the table. Lanie was spamming my inbox with dozens of messages, freaking out thinking she had left me at the party. I laughed, since I had considered leaving her at the party.

I looked at Luke apologetically. "I'm sorry, but Lanie just woke up and if I don't get home soon she'll probably start a search party."

"It's alright, love. I have to get back to my flat and check on my mates anyway." We both stood up from the booth and walked out to our cars. We exchanged a warm hug and he promised he would call me later and show me the hotspots around campus.

I climbed into my car and started the engine. Even though my college experience hadn't been totally what I was expecting, at least I would come out of it with a friend to prove it.



ooo update how fun

so this was kinda just a filler chapter gross I hate fillers but you know they're necessary sorry folks

Question of the Chapter: Do you have any animals or do you want any?🐶🐱

Writer Boy // caskettWhere stories live. Discover now