Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I walked up the front steps of the university and sat down on a bench that circled around a fountain.

It felt weird seeing people from high school- people I never thought that I would see again- walking around campus, sneaking knowing glances at each other but not saying a word. For instance, I saw one of my old friends, Tom Demming talking to a pretty blonde that I have never seen before. We met each other's eyes for a few seconds before he looked away and continued his conversation. I rolled my eyes at the stupidity of this situation.

I grabbed my bag and plucked my schedule out of the front zipper pocket, double checking to make sure I had memorized my classes in the correct order. First period was political science, then government, religion, calculus, creative writing, my lunch period, criminal justice, and lastly yoga.

I'm taking most of my classes to fulfill my pre-law major but others were just classes I was required to take. Take Creative Writing for example, I have only one word for that class.


I am in no way a writer, nor do I ever feel compelled to write anything that is in anyway creative, unless you count my grocery list. Even though I don't write, I read. I read everyday, and most of my spare time is dedicated to reading. Whether it be Nicholas Sparks, John Green or even Hemingway, I usually fall in love on the first page.

Now other classes like yoga, are just to fill in my other periods. I do enjoy working out and keeping in shape, but I would rather just go jogging around Central Park than have to work out simultaneously with a bunch of other sweaty girls. That just does not sound at all pleasant. So yoga was the only class that sounded like it would be the least bit enjoyable.

My head snapped up from my schedule when I heard something smack against the concrete and someone let out a very exasperated sigh.

It was a very pretty girl, with bouncing blonde curls that hung past her shoulders and a smile that could win any boy's heart. She had just dropped all her stuff and papers were scattered all over the ground, along with pencils and notebooks.

She looked up towards the heavens and shouted, "WHY ME?! CAN'T YOU GIVE ME A GODDAMN BREAK?!"

The girl dropped to the ground and started picking up her things, ignoring the judgmental stares from the other students. Since she looked like she was having a terrible day, and it was only 8:45 in the morning, I decided to help her.

I left my stuff by the fountain and kneeled down next to her, gathering papers in my hand and stacking them neatly, giving her a smile as I handed them to her.

"Thank you, oh my god, my day has been terrible." She said, stuffing the papers in a binder in such an unorganized way that it made me cringe.

"Oh it's no problem, I was just going over my schedule." I held out my hand for her to shake. "I'm Kate Beckett."

She smiled and took my hand. "I'm Maddie."

"Want to come sit with me until we have to go to class?" I asked sweetly.

"That sounds great!"

We walked back over to my spot on the bench and she sat down next to me, setting her stuff on her lap and flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"So is this your first year too?" I asked.

"Yep, I'm fresh outta high school. I moved here from California since I heard that this place had a good science program. I'm majoring in Chemistry."

"Really? I wish I understood science but I really don't," I laughed. "Chemistry to me is like trigonometry to kids who hate math."

"I don't know how but I just really came to love it," She said brightly. "What's your major?"

"Oh, mine is Pre-Law. I've wanted to become a lawyer ever since I was a little kid. I'm following in my mom's footsteps." I sat up proudly. When I was younger, I thought my mom hung the moon, and I still sort of do.

"Oh my gosh I would not be able to stand sitting in government for 50 minutes everyday! That just sounds awful!" Maddie exclaimed.

"I've found it fascinating for years, and I actually wrote papers about it for extra credit in high school."

Maddie laughed and dug her schedule out from her pile of papers and handed it to me. "Do we have any classes together?" She asked.

My eyes scanned over her paper and I noticed she was taking Environmental Science and Biology. How does she even do it? I dragged my finger down the paper and saw that we had calculus and yoga together.

"We actually have two. Calculus and Yoga. Oh, and we also have the same lunch period!" I beamed. I thanked god that I made another friend and that Lanie wouldn't be the only person I talked to today.

Maddie and I made plans to meet for lunch back at the fountain since Lanie would be in Human Anatomy that period. We parted ways and I walked confidently down to the main building to find the lecture hall where I would be taking Political Science.

I have a strong feeling that today is going to be a good day.


Ayyyyy chapter two is up hallelujah. I really hope you guys like this story because I'm really excited for it and where it's headed I have SO MANY ideas I cannot wait😙😙 don't forget to vote and comment your opinions belowwww👌😍

Question of The Chapter: What do you like to do in your spare time?📚🎨🎤🏈⚽️

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