Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


First day of freshman year. I looked at the clock on my bedside table and sighed, covering my head with my sheets. Ten minutes until I had to get up at 6:30 and get ready for my first day at college.

My classes don't start until nine since I elected out of a few that I took in high school, but I like to be extra prepared in case there's traffic, or I forget a journal or something of the sort.

All I had to do this morning was get dressed, do my makeup and hair, and drive myself to school. I already had my books gathered neatly by the front door so I can grab them on the way out with no hassle or fuss.

I was deep in thought of how the day was going to go when my alarm started buzzing, and loudly I might add.

"TURN IT OFF BEFORE I COME IN THERE AND BREAK IT!" I heard my roommate and best friend Lanie yell from her bedroom, which was right next to mine in our apartment. She's not as cautious and prepared as I am when it comes to school or work, so she sleeps in about an hour and a half later than me.

I laughed to myself and let it buzz for an extra 10 seconds just to spite her. In response, she pounded on the wall with her fist, cursing as well. I finally turned it off and hopped out of bed praying that today will go the way I want it to.

I grabbed some clothes and headed for the shower, hoping to relieve some of the nervous tension in my muscles. The hot water feels nice on my stiff body, and I make sure to clean all over myself, just in case college kids are as judge mental as high school kids.

I put my hair up in a towel and padded back to my small bedroom, turning the light on and opening my closet door. What do college kids even wear? I hadn't had time to dwell on that since I was too busy rushing around to get my schedule and organizing my folders by class.

Finally I decided on a white floor length skirt and a long sleeve black V-neck. My mother was very adamant that I wear conservative clothing when I lived back at home, and I didn't even try and fight her, I have actually come to like these clothes.

I hurried into the bathroom, dried my hair, and had a staring contest with my reflection until I decided what I wanted to do with it. I plugged in my straightener and applied a bit of makeup while I waited for it to heat up. I didn't really like wearing makeup because it made me feel like I wasn' But I only touched up a few spots here and there, just to hide some blemishes.

I checked the time on my phone and it read 8:00. I grabbed my straightener, hurriedly taking strands of hair between my fingers to apply heat to. My hair is so curly and unruly, sometimes I just wish I was born with straight and simple hair.

Just as I was finishing I heard Lanie roll out of bed, which is usually my cue to leave. I love Lanie, but mornings are not really for her.

I unplugged my straightener and ran to my room, slipping on a pair of black flats. I also did a mental check just to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything.

As I rushed out of my room I nearly collided with Lanie, who in my opinion looked like she had just died and came back to life. She glared up at me, daring me to say something.

"Um, I'm gonna head off to school, I want to make sure that I get there early." I said truthfully.

I grabbed my stuff and opened the front door, calling back to Lanie, "I'll see you in Criminal Justice!" Lanie and I both want to work in a department of law, only she wants to be a Medical Examiner, and I want to be a lawyer.

There was no answer, only a slamming of the bathroom door to indicate she didn't want to talk.

I quickly ran to my car, and got out onto the road. Our apartment is only 10 minutes away from NYU, which we both applied to in hopes of getting in together, which we did.

New York was buzzing with people today, more so than usual. Students drinking espressos by the gallon, people late for work, and the people who were rushing to go to sales at local clothing stores.

I ogled at women walking down the street, briefcases in hand and heels as big as my head. That's gonna be me one day. The best lawyer in New York.

I snapped out of my reverie and turned into student parking lot, rushing to park my car and make it into the little coffee shop on campus before it got too crowded.

There were only a few people there, so it wasn't that long of a wait. In the mean time I checked my phone for messages from my mom or dad, wishing me good luck on my first day of college. There weren't any so I'm assuming they decided to sleep in today.

"Are you going to order or what?" A young boy, probably a sophomore here at the university, rudely asked me, diverting my attention from my phone.

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry. Can I have a grande skim latte, two pumps sugar free vanilla?" I asked, shoving my phone in my bag.

He rolled his eyes but grabbed a cup and started filling it with the heavenly drink. I awkwardly bit my lip and looked around. I am not skilled at confrontation like this.

"That'll be $3.50." He said, handing me my coffee. I pulled the money out of my bag and set it on the counter. The boy's name tag read 'Kevin', so I would need to look out for him later, and make sure not to talk to him.

I hurried out of the coffee shop and walked up to the main building with my chin up and my head held high.

Let's do this.




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Question of the chapter: What is your favorite book? 😘😘😘

Writer Boy // caskettWhere stories live. Discover now