Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


As soon as Professor Montgomery finished reading all the names off of his list, class ended and I grabbed my stuff and bolted out the door- or at least I tried. I had made it a few feet down the hall when I felt someone grab onto my wrist and yank me back.

I knew that I should have just pulled my wrist out of his grasp, but I didn't. I turned around and looked up, seeing Castle smirking down at me. He must have been at least a whole foot taller than me. I nervously readjusted the bag on my shoulder and tucked a piece of stray hair behind my ear.

"What do you want, Castle?!" I asked him impatiently, getting a bit flustered at the fact that his grip on my wrist wasn't getting any loser.

"Well," he said in a sarcastic tone, "I am pretty sure we are partners in this little project, and I'm assuming you want to get started."

"And what makes you think that?" I asked, my skin tingling where his calloused hand was wrapped around my wrist.

"Because you're the stereotypical teacher's pet, and I know you want to get this project done early."

Damn, he was good. I slit my eyes and shook my head at him even though he was exactly correct.

"How did you know that?" I questioned.

"I told you." He whispered bending down so his lips were pressed against my ear. "I know a lot of things." Goosebumps rose on my skin and a chill ran down my spine. I could hear is heartbeat and I was sure he could hear mine, I bet anyone from a mile away could hear it. My breath hitched in my throat as his nose brushed up against the skin of my cheek.

I swallowed hardly and flicked my eyes up to see his face. He was looking down at me intently, like I was a puzzle that he couldn't figure out, which is ironic considering he told me that "he knows a lot of things."

"I'll pick you up at six, Katherine." He breathed into my ear, letting go of my wrist and walking down the hallway. My mind was foggy and I had no idea what just happened.

"Wait, what?!" I called out to him, my feet stuck in my spot, dumbfounded. He turned around to look at me and started walking backwards.

"Tonight. We have a project, remember?" He winked at me, and turned back around, striding cooly down the hallway, slinging both arms around Kevin and his Hispanic friend that's in my Political Science class.

I still stood, frozen to where I was standing, staring wide-eyed after him. When did I ever agree to this? How does he know where I live? Where does he live? Why does he feel the need to be so damn annoying? Questions ran through my mind as I slowly started walking down the hallway.

As I reached the end of the hallway, I burst through the doors and gulped a huge breath of fresh air. My wrist was buzzing with something that felt like fire, and I had know idea why. This had never happened before, not with any other guy. Sure I had dated a few guys, had my fair share of kisses and all that, but I have never once felt this way.

No, I told myself, this is just about the project. You're nervous about the project and what grade I was going to make on it. Yeah, that's what this is. This weird goddamn feeling was all because of a grade. I laughed at myself because I am a straight-A student, beating myself up over this project that I was probably going to ace anyway.


I sat with Maddie on the fountain bench, just like yesterday, chatting about what had happened with Castle.

"And then he like grabbed wrist, whispered in my ear and all of the sudden told me he would pick me up at 6 to do our project!" I told her, rubbing at my wrist which still felt like I was wearing a bracelet made of hot iron.

"Oh. My. God. Becks, you totally have to go after that fine piece of ass!" She gushed, placing her hand on my shoulder. I was appalled. Did she think that I actually like this selfish, cocky, arrogant little shit?

I spluttered, heat rising up to my cheeks. "Why would I do that?!" I asked, toying with my braid. "He's awful! I wouldn't be surprised if he got suspended before the week is over!"

"But still, Richard Castle is basically a legend at this school. I've heard that he's slept with like, half of the girls here!"

"Mhm, that makes me feel so much better, Maddie."

"I'm sorry, but a guy like this doesn't just pop up out of nowhere, Kate. He may even be hotter than Ryan Seacrest!" She fanned her face dramatically to make it clearer to me that she wanted me to hook up with Castle.

I snorted. "Like I really care how good looking he his." Lie. "I also don't care about all of the girl's that he's slept with either, that's his business." Lie. "And all of this is just a silly little school project." You goddamn liar.

Maddie smirked at me and crossed her arms over her chest. "By the end of the semester, you'll be all over that." She quirked an eyebrow, daring me to say otherwise.

"Doubtful." I claimed, picking at my nails.

"You're lying."

"We'll see."


I finally finished curling my unruly hair and finished it off with a big of hairspray. I looked at myself in the mirror and fixed the wrinkles in my shirt and makeup smudges on my face.

I was wearing a pastel-pink knit sweater, black leggings that Lanie told me I absolutely had to wear, and tan Ugg boots that rested just above my ankles. I wore a bit of eyeliner, neutral eyeshadow, mascara, and dark pink lipstick. Honestly, I felt a bit overdressed.

It was 5:55 and Castle was supposed to be here any minute to pick me up. I'm not sure why, but I had a weird feeling in my stomach and I felt like I needed to put more into my appearance than I usually would. I took a breath and and puffed my cheeks out, still trying to smooth out my clothes.

"Wanna impress Lover Boy?" A voice by the door called. I glanced over at Lanie through the mirror, who was leaning against the doorframe, smirking at me. Why was every damn person I talk to smirking so much lately?

I smiled at her, "No, I just don't want to go out in these pants that you insisted I wear. They make me feel naked." I retorted.

"We can't have you wearing those baggy skirts and shit in front of your new boyfriend, now can we? And plus, those pants make your ass look irresistible."

"Lanie?" I asked, putting all of my makeup back in the small pouch.


"Shut up." She laughed and I added, "He's also not my boyfriend. I absolutely loathe this kid. I should just talk to the teacher about getting a new partner for this."

The doorbell suddenly rang and both mine and Lanie's heads snapped up.

Lanie looked at me slyly. "Looks like it's too late for that, darling."



aye look I updated I'm starting to really get into these chapters sorry that they're all fillers don't hate me

Question of the Chapter: Favorite candy?🍬🍭

Writer Boy // caskettWhere stories live. Discover now