Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


My eyes fluttered open, and I flinched at the bright midday light falling through the cracked blinds. When I glanced over at the clock it read 11:42, which meant school had started almost 3 hours ago. In the back of my mind I knew Castle would keep my from going, but I had hoped I could convince him to go. He must've turned my alarm off after I fell asleep. I frowned at how unusually sweaty my back was. I froze when I realized that someone was pressed against me, breathing softly into my neck. Castle.

Without moving a muscle, my eyes looked around the room, remembering our little marathon. We must've fallen asleep in the middle of it. But when I looked more closely I saw that the TV was turned off, and that Castle couldn't have possibly gotten where he was without consciously moving us both. He did this. On purpose.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, moments from last night coming back to me in a flash. The kiss. I bit my lip when I remember how he held me, so carefully, so gently as to not hurt me. How his lips lingered on my skin, leaving burning trails of fire in their wake. How he moaned my name into my neck. How he wrapped his hands in my hair, pulling me closer like he couldn't get enough.

My heart was beating insanely fast, and my hands were starting to sweat. I evened out my breaths, and tried to push all of those haunting thoughts out of my head. Kissing Castle was a mistake, and it would never happen again. It couldn't happen again.

Just as I was getting the courage to wake him up, he mumbled something that was incoherent and I shivered as his lips pressed against the back of my neck. His arm wrapped tighter around my midsection and I was careful not to move, not to breathe.

"Kate," he muttered in his sleep. "Mmmm don't stop, please." My eyes widened and I squeezed my eyes shut. He was not dreaming about me, he probably knows dozens of girls named Kate, and he's probably slept with all of them. For some reason, the thought of him sleeping with some random girl made my chest tight and my heart hurt. Goosebumps raised on my arms and legs as his soft lips brushed my skin. My heart was pounding so hard that I was sure it would leave bruises on the inside of my ribcage.

I was about to just slip out of his arms when a loud crash came from the kitchen, and that seemed to wake Castle up immediately. I jumped up from the couch, looking down at the sleepy man-boy, with hair that stuck out in every direction and pillow creases etched into his cheek. I ran a hand through my unruly hair and sighed, thankful for whatever Lanie was doing.

"Morning," I said, the corner of my mouth quirking up just barely.

"Morning," He said back, his voice raspy. I had to bite my lip and look away from him, feeling like I was intruding on something personal. Like we had just broken the wall between where we were now, and the next level of our friendship. As if seeing one another sleep was a symbol of mutual trust. It meant almost nothing.

Castle eyes darted to my legs, widened a bit, and then he looked away, his cheeks turning red as cherries. I hastily glanced down and saw my shorts had hiked up noticeably, my black lace panties peeking out from the bottom. I yanked them back down, cursing myself for not wearing actual pajama pants.

"Um, I think we should go see what Lanie is doing." I said, trying to get ride of the awkward tension in the air.

"Yeah, let's do that." He stood up, trying to smooth out the crinkles in his white t-shirt and black jeans. Out of the few weeks I've known him I've never seen him in anything but a plain t-shirt and skinny jeans. He was the epitome of predictable. Well, in some ways more than others I suppose. He has surprised me a lot lately and to be honest, I don't like surprises.

We both walked into the kitchen and saw Lanie on a step stool trying to reach the top shelf of the cabinets, most likely for a pan.

"A little help?" Lanie asked impatiently. She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

I lifted myself up on to the counter and started kicking my legs, knowing I wouldn't be able to reach it. Castle sighed and rolled his eyes.

Castle stalked over to wear Lanie was standing, and I watched as he smirked at her, not even having to lift his feet off the ground to grab it. He handed it to her and she wrapped her slender fingers around the handle. "Easy as pie," Castle raised an eyebrow and she glared.

"I'm not afraid to hit you with this pan, Dick." Lanie threatened, putting emphasis on the name.

"Wow, that's a new one." Castle muttered before coming over and hopping up and sitting on the counter beside me. His arm brushed mine and I shivered slightly at the contact.

I diverted my attention from Castle and focused completely on Lanie, hoping the blood hadn't rushed to my cheeks, giving away how flustered I was.

"What're you doing anyway?" I asked, knowing that Lanie couldn't cook. At all. But neither can I, so I have no room to talk. We lived mostly on boxed macaroni and frozen chicken nuggets.

"I was making pancakes." Lanie beamed, waving around the frying pan.

"But Lanie, you can't make pancakes." I observed, tilting my head and catching my tongue between my teeth as I suppressed a giggle.

"Touché." She said, laughing. I just now remembered that it was Friday, and she should've been at school.

"Wait, why aren't you at classes?" I asked. "It's nearly twelve."

"I think the real question is why aren't you at your classes?" She retorted, sending me a knowing smile, a devilish glint in her sparkling brown eyes.

I glared at her, but the grin never left her face.

"I think I'm going to interrupt and let you know that you don't need to make any extras, because Katherine and I are about to head out for a day on the town," Castle informed, hooking an arm around my shoulders and squeezing me into him.

"Don't call me Katherine," I said, at the same time Lanie remarked, "I wasn't going to make any pancakes for you anyways."

I looked up at Castle's face to see excitement etched into his features and I sighed. I shrugged his arm off from around my shoulders and jumped off of the counter, brushing off my shorts.

I turned to leave the kitchen and Castle cocked his head. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"To get dressed. I already know we have one hell of a day ahead of us." I said as I sent him a wink and strutted into my bedroom, not able to contain my anticipation for what lay ahead.


it's raining its pouring the old man is snoring :)
hello yes hi how are you all I am currently begging my mom for a teacup chihuahua and as of the past 48 hours the only answer I've gotten is no lets pray #prayforHalitogetachihuahua2k15

Question of the Chapter: What is your dream pet?🐶🐱

Writer Boy // caskettWhere stories live. Discover now