Twenty Five

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Finally it was time for Seventeen's turn. "Give it up for SEVENTEEN with Getting Closer!" Eric said. "We got this! Let's show them Seventeen!" The8 cheered.

They don't know how, but after the song, they still managed to be able to stand and walk off stage without one of them falling.

"It feels like my legs are going to fall off." Joshua groaned as he sat down on one of the uncomfortable chairs in the backstage waiting area.

"No offense but if we don't win with that I'm going to run through a wall. That was show stopping." Wonwoo said.

"Have fun running through the wall." Vernon chuckled as they waited for Eric to call them back on stage so they can find out the winner.

Thankfully, Wonwoo won't need to run through a wall. "The winner of this rounds battle..." Eric said. "CONGRATS SEVENTEEN!" He said as all the groups applauded and cheered for them.

Finally, they had around 24 hours to not worry about practice, sure they would start back up tomorrow after their guest performance, but for now they could rest.

"I'm going to head home and take a nap." Woozi said changing into a hoodie and sweat pants. Jeonghan and Wonwoo agreeing, going to do the same thing.

"We should all rest, Jun no spamming the group chat tonight, we'll see eachother tomorrow." Seungcheol said to the older Chinese.

"But I get lonely!" Jun pouted as Seungkwan patted his head. "Just text The8." The younger boy suggested.

"Don't text The8, he's busy." The8 said slipping a more comfortable pair of shoes on. "I'm kidding, I'll probably be awake." The8 laughed.

After saying goodbye, the 13 parted ways to head back to their own houses. Something they don't seem to do as often. Atleast this early in the afternoon.

"Omg I've missed you bed." Wonwoo sighed as he faceplanted into his pillows, sighing as he pulled the blanket over his head, to tired to change into some sort of pajamas.

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