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The8 didn't come back to the practice room till Thursday, yeah the food poisoning was that bad. So for the past 3 days, he'd been practicing with them from his house, on FaceTime with them.

"Glad your feeling better The8." Seungkwan said as they sat in the practice room, they had been practicing all morning and worked on catching The8 up in his position.

"Guys! I just realized where I recognize Bobby!" Vernon said running into the practice room, before tripping over Mingyu's leg.

"He was on Show Me The Money!" Vernon said as Seungkwan nearly cringed. "Weren't you on Show Me The Money too?" He asked.

"Yeah but we don't speak of that incident." Vernon said. "You know what, let's just get on with practice."

And despite the very complicated choreo, they had it all mesmerized by Friday, giving them extra time to work on their Battle performance.

And before they knew it, Saturday was here. Eric did his normal announcements and then moved on to announcing the first group.

"Give it up for SEVENTEEN with Don't Wanna Cry."

All throughout the song, they could even hear the groups from their dressing rooms cheering for them. "Wow that was amazing!" Hoshi said excitedly once they were done.

"I'm surprised we all managed to do that jump in sync." Vernon said as he grabbed a water bottle from backstage as they made their way to the dressing room.

"Well everyone, let's give a welcome to our next group! NCT DREAM with Boom!" Eric announced to the audience as the 6 boys made their way onto stage this time.

Still no Mark this time. "I do like these outfits, especially Jaemins." The8 said.

"Shouldn't Mingyu and Jun be the ones always pointing out everyone's outfits?" Jeonghan asked.

"Nah, The8's got the outfits rating down on lock and key!" Mingyu laughed as they watched the rest of the performance.

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