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They were all called back to the stage after Oneus's performance to announce the winners of this Special Round.

"Everyone! Welcome back to this year's SBOS 4th round: The Humor Round! Let's find out who our winners are!" Eric announced.

Like always they would start with 7th place. However... "There is no 7th place. We have a tie!" Eric announced as the others were shocked, a tie in what place?

"In 6th place: Astro!" He said as the purple light flicked over the 6 who were greatful they weren't in 7th place.

"We got this guys." Seungcheol whispers to the others as they all nod and join hands. Waiting for the next announcement.

"I'm 5th place. We have a tie between Straykids and Ateez!" Eric announced as the blue light split between the 2 groups of 8.

"And in 4th place: Nct!" The green light flicked on the 9 males.

"And in 3rd place! Seventeen!" Eric said as the 13 opened their eyes to see the yellow light over their heads.

"Oh yeah! 3rd ain't bad!" Jun cheered.

"And in 2nd place Oneus!" Eric announced as the 6 Boys jumped up and down in celebration for 2nd place as cheers continued.

"And in 1st place! GIVE IT UP FOR IKON!" Eric yelled as cheers nearly shook the whole auditorium filled with applause and people chanting Ikon's name.

They all truly deserved it, their song was amazing and crowd pleasing like always, it's shocking they don't get first place a lot sooner.

"So what do we do?" Mingyu asked sitting down in their dressing room as the others continued packing things.

"I have dance lessons tonight if anyone wants to come." Dino joked, but his eyes widened when Hoshi nodded.

"Wait seriously?! I was joking but damn okay!" Dino laughed as Vernon agreed to come too.

"I have theater practice tonight." Dk shrugged. "Mind if we come? I've always wondered what happens behind the scenes." Joshua asks as Seungcheol and Jeonghan nodded.

"Well I guess we're on our own guys. Let's get sundaes." Jun said excitedly.

"Sundaes sound great!" Wonwoo said as they all parted ways. Knowing they have to come back tomorrow.

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