Chapter twenty

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Chapter twenty

Cindy's POV

A smile crept its way onto my face as I lurked in quiet knowing that I was getting all the information I needed. Those fools honestly thought they could send me to the cells! They really are stupid after all

I slid back behind the corner seeing my dad, the alpha and his son walking towards me. I couldn't risk getting discovered, not when I was so deep into this.

I'm not the little good girl that I once used to be, they can't tell me what to do like they always have been. But the feeling is bittersweet. The dark side of me that I had battled with so long has finally taken over and spread like a black ink stain on my soul, poisoning me from the inside out.

I slunk of back into the darkness. They had fallen perfectly into my trap. With Kyle's ability to see the future this mission was almost too easy.

Once I was sure that I was out of earshot I ripped off my clothes and shifted. Picking up my clothes in my mouth I scanned the area and when I was certain the coast was clear, I ran. Back into the comfort and protection of the shadows.


Avalon's POV

My eyes fluttered open and i sat up and stretched feeling refreshed after the long sleep I had last night. The sun filtered in through the translucent curtains and bathed the room in warm yellow light. I glanced around and dove back under the sheets when I realized that I was practically naked. Breathing a sigh of relief, I realized no one was around. A long shirt lay folded on the end of my bed and I crawled over to it and pulled it over my head.

I plodded down the stairs but soon slowed when I heard voices. Hearing that the voices were coming closer I dashed over to one side and pressed my back against the wall. Peeking out from behind the corner I saw Marcus and Michael talking to Cindy's dad, Simon.

I drew in a sharp, shocked breath when I heard what they were saying. They were going to lock Cindy up? I suppose that would help keep me safe I thought to myself, still a little skeptical of the idea.

But no sooner had I thought that, I was hit with another blow when Simon said Cindy was having problems at home. My heart sunk as I remembered my fight with my mum. I could relate to what Cindy was feeling and It made my heart sink to think that she was going to be put in the cells because of me.

They said their goodbyes and I heard the door slam. Simon was gone so I stepped out from behind the corner.

Marcus' turned towards me an walked over. My wolf relaxed when he wrapped his arms around me. I wish we could just stay this way forever. I concealed my disappointment when he pulled away and looked up at him.

"Morning sunshine," he whispered as he placed a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled to myself but blushed lightly when I saw Michael standing behind Marcus.

"I'll leave you two alone then," he said knowingly as he made for his office.

"Wait!!" I called after him, "I need to talk to both of you about something."

Alpha Michael stopped and both men gave me puzzled looks. I gestured for them to sit on the couch as I walked over and sat down on an armchair. Fidgeting with my hands, I waited for

"I heard your conversation before and I don't think we should put Cindy in the cells," I blurted.

Their eyes widened in shock and the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Avalon we understand your concerns but you have to understand that we are doing this for your safety. We can't have dangers from inside the pack as well as outside," Alpha Michael explained, "We'll let her out as soon as possible but for now, this is the best course of action."

I nodded at him and my shoulders slumped.

"I suppose you're right," I sighed, "but please treat her well, I know what it's like to have problems at home."

They both nodded and we all made to get up. Suddenly the sound of furious knocking at the door interrupted the silence. By the sound of it, the person knocking must have been pretty urgent to get in. Michael walked over to the door while we waited in the lounge. He flung it open to reveal a very panicked looking Simon.

"Cindy's gone!"

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