Chapter one

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Chapter One

'...Come to me Avalon...come back to where you belong...Come...'

I awoke with a jolt, panting heavily and tangled in my purple sheets. A sleek layer of sweat covered my body as I sat up, my eyes darting around the room.

"It was just a dream, It was just a dream," I repeated to myself in a futile attempt to calm my racing pulse.

But it had seemed so real, so vivid. Almost like a hazy memory shrouded in mystery, half forgotten fragments just out of reach. I ran my hand through my hair and threw myself back down onto my bed. Flipping over, I stared at my alarm clock with lead in my eyelids. The glowing red numbers read 5:15 am. A pained groan erupted from my chest before I gathered my strength and heaved myself out of my bed. There was little point trying to get to sleep now.

With heavy feet I dragged myself into the bathroom and flicked on the light switch. As I shuffled over to the mirror I found myself thinking back to what the voices in my head had been saying. What did it all mean? It didn't really matter anyway. Turning on the tap I splashed my face with cold water to bring my mind back to reality. Placing my hands on the smooth marble surface I gazed at the reflection staring back at me.

These nights of fractured sleep had really taken a toll on my appearance. Dark purple bags sagged under my coffee brown eyes and my face was dull, pale and pasty. My tangled chestnut hair draped down reaching my mid back and a sorry sigh escaped my lips. Just when would these nightmares end?

Tearing my gaze from the mirror I hopped into the shower and stepped under a steady stream of cascading water. The cold water brought me out of my lethargic state and temporarily relieved some of the anxiety that had been building up over these past few days. I washed and scrubbed at my sweaty body and lifeless hair, hoping also to wash away the uncomfortable feeling these disturbing dreams had left me with. Knowing I had school to get to, I stepped out and bundled up my dark, dripping hair in a soft white towel that formed a turban on top of my head. Not caring much for my appearance I slipped into some washed denim jeans and a red knitted jumper. It wasn't like I had anyone to impress anyway.

Shuffling out of the bathroom and grabbing a pair of socks on the way out, I made for the stairs. As I got past the landing, my gaze settled on Mum, she was in the kitchen making breakfast. My Dad left us years ago. I don't remember anything of him, but according to Mum he took off with some younger woman because she was no longer 'good enough'. Good riddance I say, I wouldn't want scum like him hanging around my house anyway.

"Morning Mum," I called out as I stepped onto the cold, pine floorboards at the bottom of the stairs. She turned around with a smile dancing on her lips and placed some toast and a cup of orange juice on counter.

"Oh, morning honey," She replied cheerfully. "How was your sleep?"

"Fine," I said as I sat down and began sipping at my juice. Spreading strawberry jam on my toast, I thought back to the restless night that I had endured. What I really meant to say was, it was one of the worst nights I had ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Waking up at all hours of the morning isn't exactly my idea of fun. But I couldn't tell her that. Not yet anyway. These voices had only being going on for a few weeks but if it got any worse I knew it was probably best if I told her. But for now, I'd be fine. I wouldn't want to put her under that stress anyway. Finishing my last bite of toast I jumped of the seat, slinging my bag over my shoulder in the process.

"See you later Mum," I said as I gave her a quick hug and walked towards the door knowing little about the events that were about to unfold.

As I stepped outside and started down the street, a sense of tranquility and solace washed over my body. Orange leaves crunched beneath my shoes and the malting trees whispered sweet nothings to each other in the Summer wind. I took a breath of the clean air and let its warmth fill my lungs.

I've always felt a sense of calm when I am around nature. I don't quite know why but I feel as though I'm tied to the earth in some mysterious, almost supernatural way. It's probably just me over thinking things though.

Suddenly my moment of serenity was interrupted as a chilling shiver passed through my body. I spun around hastily, my eyes darting from object to object. It felt like someone was behind me breathing right down the back of my neck. I slowed down and looked sideways at the forest next to me. It might have been from lack of sleep, but I could have sworn that a surge of energy had washed over my body.

I quickened my step until the forest was out of sight. Goosebumps dotted my skin as my heart raced with adrenaline. There was something ethereal about that forest, some secret waiting for me to find out.

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