Somewhere Safe

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The place that Diana was taking them too was her family home. In the witch world everyone has their own specialty. Diana's family was famous for using the earth's resources for their power. Diana and her three other sisters were known as the Element witches. Each one of them is very powerful in one of the elements. Individually they are powerful. Together they are indestructible. The family home was quite far away from Maverick's little village.

"We're taking a coach?" Logan laughed like it was a joke until he saw that Diana was serious. They all stood in the shopping center outside the ticket office. "We need to be low key especially if there's people trying to find us" she sounded annoyed but didn't look at it. She walked up the counter with Adam walking behind her. "Oh look!" said Logan. "She's got herself a little follower!" "Don't" Kairo cut in. Logan sighed. "I'm just trying to make this lousy trip slightly better". Kairo scowled at him. "This isn't supposed to be a fun road trip Logan. We're still on the run for our lives". "You sound scared. Is it me or did you forget that we're vampires? We're supernatural. It's a lot harder to kill us than a human". "But not impossible," Kairo replied. Diana and Adam came back holding tickets for the coach. "It's not the exact location but it's close enough" she said, handing them all a ticket. "We'll have to walk the rest". Logan raised his eyebrows clearly unimpressed with the situation. But one warning glare from Kairo told him to not speak up about it.

They had to wait around for two hours whilst waiting for the coach to arrive. They were all relieved to get a break from Logan's constant moaning about having to wait or even taking a coach. Adam and Kairo got on first and headed straight for the back. Maverick was taking a quick bathroom break which left Logan and Diana to sit together a little further down from the other two. "Window seat?" Logan asked. But without answering him Diana just sat down with Logan joining her a second later. Once all the other passengers, including Maverick, had gotten onto the coach it set off on it's journey. Diana held a book that she had brought up to her face hoping that Logan wouldn't talk to her. Not that she expected him to engage in conversation any time soon. But after half an hour she gave up trying to concentrate on it and put it away. She looked around for other forms of entertainment but wasn't successful. She drummed her fingers against her lap gazing out of the window. That's when she heard a loud sigh. She looked over at Logan who was already staring at her. "Do you have to?" he asked. Diana shrugged "What else am I meant to do?" "Read your boring book perhaps?". She rolled her eyes at him. "How would you know if it's boring or not?". Logan laughed. "I'm not an idiot," he said. But Diana just raised her eyebrows teasing him that the statement isn't true. "If a book is good you wouldn't be able to put it down.". Diana didn't reply to him. She didn't need to give him the satisfaction of being right considering his head was big enough already. Logan looked behind him and saw Adam staring at them intently. He clearly had a thing for Diana and didn't trust Logan with her. He grinned at him and gave a quick wink before turning back to her thinking of ways to provoke him. After all he didn't want to end up bored like Diana was. "So" Logan said. He realized he hadn't prepared anything else to say so he just looked at Diana hoping she'd provide something for him. But she didn't. Instead she just looked back at him waiting for him to finish his sentence with a small smile. "Er.." Logan laughed nervously searching for anything to fill the awkward silence between them. "This place.. It's safe right?" "Of course it is. Why would I take you somewhere that's not safe?". Logan's face turned serious. "It wouldn't be the first time something like that has happened to us. Anyway, It's not me I'm worried about." Diana glanced over at Kairo who was sound asleep. "You two are really close huh?" Logan didn't have to look behind him to know who she was talking about. After all, in his entire life Kairo was the only person Logan had cared about and everyone knew it. "He's basically my brother," Logan replied with no emotion in his voice. Yes, Kairo was important to him. But he couldn't sound like he cared too much. "I mean. You'd do anything for your sisters right?". Diana slumped in her seat "That's a complicated story" she said. Logan found himself fascinated with Diana. He could tell there was a lot more to her then you'd be able to guess. "Well we have time" he said matter of factly. Diana took a deep breath. "Well you're right" she said "I would have done anything for my sisters". "Past tense?" She nodded. "You see. We were closer than ever. The whole point of being element witches is to stick together and be a team. Until one day one of them argued with my parents about our way of life and ran away to live the way she wanted to live. She abandoned us. Maverick would be so mad if he knew I was telling you this" . Logan was confused "Why?". Diana lowered her voice. Maverick was a few seats away but she didn't want to risk being heard. "No one actually knows that my sister has left the family. They fear that if word got out people would come to attack us and once and for all take over 'kingdom'. Mostly witches obviously.". Logan nodded. "So you wouldn't protect her because she ran away?" It's not quite like that. I understand exactly why she'd want to leave. I've felt the same way a few times. But it's putting family first and with a family like ours individual needs don't come first

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