I Tried To Warn You

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Logan's eyes shot open. His breathing was fast and heavy. He blinked a couple times taking in his surroundings. He was still sitting in the chair of the hotel room. It was early morning outside. Diana was kneeling in front of him looking worried with her hand on his shoulder. Logan sat up in the chair. "What the hell was that?" Diana asked. Logan rubbed his eyes, still trying to focus. "Nothing, '' he mumbled. He tried to stand but his legs felt like solid metal. He stayed where he was and glanced back at Diana. "I promise, '' he said sternly, praying that she would leave it alone. His eyes moved towards Kairo who was still sprawled out on the bed. "Did you even sleep?" he kept his eyes peeled on Kairo as Diana shuffled to stand. He could still see her out of the corner of his eye though. He already knew the answer to his question. Her eyes looked red like she'd been crying and they had some tiredness in them even if it wasn't that noticeable. Whatever she was hiding. It was getting to her. "Should we wake him?'' She was trying hard to change the subject. Logan gave in. He forced himself to stand despite struggling. He always felt like that after Jeremy visited him. It was exhausting for his mind to go through all of that. He walked over to Kairo leaned down into his ear whispering something.

Kairo's eyes slowly opened. Logan took a step away from the bed being cautious of what Kairo might do. Kairo sat up but refused to look at Logan. Diana could feel the tension. "Want me to leave?" She asked. No one answered her so after a few minutes she walked to the door. Just before she left she said. "Don't kill each other". And with that the door was closed and the boys were left alone. Logan went back to the hotel chair. "Let me explain" Kairo held his hand up "I don't want you too. I've known Logan for years Logan. How could you have kept this from me". Logan fiddled with a piece of string on his jeans. "Would you have stuck around if I did?". Kairo finally looked at him. Logan studied his face trying to figure out what he was thinking. Kairo didn't answer. So Logan kept talking. He explained everything to him. How he was turned into how he met Kairo. How he ended up in this situation. Kairo patiently listened. When Logan was finished he leaned his head back against the wall. "You've put my life in danger" he breathed and caressed his wounds from the hunters. Logan looked at the floor. "I know. But I tried to warn you so many times. I tried to tell you so many times". Kairo swung his legs round and sat on the side of the bed. "I just don't know what to think," he breathed. "How can I possibly know who to trust?" He hung his head and breathed slowly. Silence filled the air once again. "You're a dick" he finally said. Logan couldn't help but laugh. Kairo stood and looked at him.

"But you've saved my life so many times. Why?"

"I'm not what you think I am. I'm not... them".

Looking straight into Kairo's eyes he could see the confusion. Kairo always knew Logan's bad traits but he owed him everything. Logan's reasons for sticking with Kairo were far beyond complicated. And he never told him why. "I was scared," Logan confessed. "I figured out what I was and I tried to make sense of it all. I found out what Jeremy's plan was and then I met you." Logan also stood. "Jeremy turned you into Kairo. He turned you into a vampire". Kairo's confusion grew. "I was there that night you escaped from him because I had been watching him. I had to help you". Kairo turned away. A knock on the door distracted both of them. Diana appeared. She glanced between them and cleared her throat "We need to go" she said to Logan a sense of worry in her voice. They'd been around the humans too long for her comfort. Logan nodded and looked back at Kairo. "Let's go then"

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