Attack Of The Hybrids

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What do we do?" asked Kairo in a panic. He realised he was unintentionally asking Logan. After all he is the only one who understands hybrids in the whole group. "They can't see the house. Surely we'd be safe just camping out here" Adam pointed out. Zoe ignored them both. "That's not an option and you know it" she said staring at Diana and the other sisters. Diana nodded trying to gather up her thoughts. "The passage" muttered Maverick


"There's a secret passage that goes underground and leads deep into the forest. We can take that"

"I feel like there's a but coming" said Logan. Maverick hesitated. "Well it's never been used before. It's been centuries since this house was built. God knows what it's like down there". He searched everyone in the group waiting for someone to say something. There was no other way. They had to risk it. "we need supplies' ' Diana finally collected herself and was assigned jobs. "Gina gathers up spell books but only the most sacred ones. Adam, we need all of that research, nothing is to be left behind. Maverick and Zoe you're coming with me to find the passage." She got to the last three boys ''You're on watch. Keep an eye out. Any sign or sound'' she subtly was pointing that one out to Logan. Everyone broke off into their groups. Sean began breaking down the furniture to block the doors and windows with. Both Logan and Kairo knew that would be useless. So instead they secured themselves at the window just staring into the empty land before them. "What does he want?" whispered. Logan checked behind him to make sure that no one else was around who could be listening. "You should go '' he said matter of factly. "He's coming for me. He wants me to be a part of his army but I keep refusing. Now the rest of you might pay the price for it". Kairo glanced over at Logan. There was no emotion on his face. He couldn't make out if Logan really cared or he was just spitting words he thought Kairo needed to hear to feel at ease. "what will you do if you stay?". It took a while for Logan to answer. Kairo still didn't know that in order to stop Jeremy Logan would have to be sacrificed. Not that Logan knew how he'd accomplish that. But it's also how he knew he'd be safe if he were to stay behind. "I'll be fine. You... A lot less fine". Kairo shook his head and turned back to the window. "I can't do that. Not after all this time of standing by your side. I won't leave you now." Logan turned to Kairo fully. "You don't get it, '' he said harshly. "It's not you that's in danger. It's not your life he's threatening". Kairo softened. "Diana?" he asked. Logan didn't reply. "Is there something there that I'm missing?". Logan rubbed his forehead trying to think. So much happening in such little time was too much for him. "I don't know what you're getting out" Kairo put his hand on his shoulder. "Look... If you're staying. Then fine. But don't stay and not say anything to her. Whatever that may be". Kairo was always one for respecting privacy and never being too pushy. "Go on. We'll be okay here". Logan hesitated. "This might be your only chance". Logan still didn't move. He was contemplating whether he should or not. "Hey Sean" Kairo called "You're on watch duty with me to go to the back". And with that Kairo turned his back to Logan giving him the opportunity to slip away.

Logan went upstairs to find Diana. He was hoping to catch her alone. To his luck he found her in one of the bedrooms feeling around the walls. "Still haven't found it?". She jumped at his voice unaware he sneaked in. "Kairo has it handled" he explained before she asked "I need to talk to you". "Now?'' She seemed annoyed that he chose this moment to suddenly need a chat with her. He walked over to her and grabbed her hand pulling her away from the wall. "What the hell is this about Logan? If you haven't noticed we're in a bit of a rush here" "I know" he breathed. He hadn't even planned out what he was going to say to her. "I'm not going, '' he said. Which isn't what he thought he'd start off with. She opened her mouth to say something but Logan didn't give her a chance. "Please... just let me get through this and then I'll go. It's gonna sound crazy but-" he looked up into Diana's eyes. She was confused and worried but she finally relaxed and waited patiently for Logan. "I've fallen in love with you. And I know that's wrong or against the rules and I know it'd never work. But it's happened. And I'm not mad about that. I don't understand how it happened but I guess.. even before Kairo you're the only person I feel comfortable around.. Kairo said ''then I shouldn't let you leave without telling you". Diana looked stunned. She had no idea what to say. Or how to respond. "You don't have to," he said, reading her mind. "It's okay". He leaned in close to her. Lips only inches apart. She was still looking into his eyes, breathing heavily. Logan turned his head slightly and then let go of Diana taking a quick step back from her. Just as quickly Kairo came running in. "He's here" he announced wide eyed. The pair of them went from being stood awkwardly to bursting into action. "We need to find Maverick ''. They went running downstairs into the library where the others were gathered. Maverick stood at a bookcase that had been turned halfway revealing a long dark passage. Diana smiled with a sense of relief. It didn't last long though. Suddenly there were windows breaking and doors being smashed in. "Quick. Everyone go. Now." Logan began ushering them all in. First Maverick went in shining a light to guide the way. The sisters and Sean followed him. All that was left were Logan, Diana and Kairo. Logan stepped toward Diana putting a hand around her hand and kissed her. It was only short. But it was something he needed to do. Then he turned to Kairo and pulled him in for a hug. "Goodbye brother" he said and pushed him and Diana into the passageway. "Don't do this. Come'' Diana pleaded. But before she could argue any longer he shut the door.

The sound of glass breaking was all over the house still. The sound of hybrids destroying the place was ringing through Logan's ears. He stepped away from the bookcase hoping it wasn't obvious where the others had escaped. He fell to his knees awaiting his destiny. Jeremy walked in bursting the door open. Two of his hybrids behind him. Protecting. It was the first time since Logan had been turned that he'd seen Jeremy in person. "They're gone, '' Logan said proudly. Jeremy shrugged. "I figured they would be by the time we got here. That was the plan after all". Logan looked up at him. "what?" he said. "You really thought Zoe just happened to see us on her way out?". He began walking slowly around Logan. "It's amazing what someone will do for a good deal," he laughed out loud. More hybrids began piling into the room surrounding Logan. "I knew you'd sacrifice yourself for all of them". Jeremy stopped outside of the bookcase that led to the secret passageway and opened it.

Damn it.

"Now Logan... Do I send my hybrids after them? Or do we take you?". Logan  was angry. He felt as if he'd failed them. This was never how things were meant to go. He knew that the others would barely be down that passage. He couldn't take the gamble that maybe they'd get out before they found. He only had one choice. "Fine. I'm yours". And just like that years of running all went to waste. Logan should have known there was only so long that he could run from this. Eventually he was always gonna end up here. On his knees becoming Jeremy's slave.

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