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Logan sat with his back against the wall breathing heavily. "What the hell was that all about? '' he asked. Diana was across the room where Kairo had landed. By now he was untied and laying on the floor in a deep sleep as Diana was now able to work her magic on him. She ignored his question and she carried on. But Logan was persistent. He wasn't giving up that easily. He stood up. "I had control of the situation before you distracted me. Care to explain?" She glanced at him and took a short breath. "I don't think I'm the one that needs to explain, '' she replied. Surprised, Logan took a few steps towards her. She finally looked up into his eyes and could see the confusion on his face. "What? Do you think I didn't hear what she said to you?" Logan stopped walking. 'Hybrid scum'. That's what she said. But surely Diana couldn't hear that? "I don't know what you mean, '' he said carelessly. Diana focused back on Kairo. "So you have nothing you need to tell me? Nothing you left out of that story about how you and Kairo ended up here?" Her eyes went wide. "Oh God" she turned to him. "Does he even know?". Logan was stumped for what to say. He had never told anyone the truth about himself. He had hidden it. For the exact reasons as this. Diana's eyes told him that she was scared. The whole supernatural society had been told that Hybrids were dangerous creatures. Never to be trusted. Jeremy's army. That's why no one could know. "What are you?" asked Diana. But she does. She knows even if she is trying to pretend she doesn't. Praying that she heard Zoe wrong. But the damage has already been done. "I'm a hybrid," he said out loud for the first time. Diana slowly stood up and took a step backwards. Logan rolled his eyes. "What did you expect my reaction would be?" she spat. "What's the real reason you came to Maverick?" Logan made a point to move away from Diana. They were the furthest distance from each other that they could be. "I have no hidden agenda. I truly came to Maverick for help and to give him help. I'm not apart of Jeremy's army"  "

How am I supposed to trust that?"

"You can't. But that's the truth"

Diana looked down at the floor. Logan could almost feel the mixed emotions swirling around in her head. "So.. what..?'' She struggled to find the right words. But Logan could guess. "My powers are too combined. Hunger and speed of a vampire but the eyesight and smell of a wolf. But I'm stronger and harder to take down. You can't kill me the way you'd kill a vampire or a werewolf". Logan stopped short realizing what he was saying. It took a moment for Diana to catch on. "Wait.. You know what kills your kind and yet you've stayed silent this whole time. If we knew the answer to that question we could be one step closer to figuring out how to stop Jeremy '' She shouted clearly, not as afraid of Logan anymore. "And risk exposing myself? Do you really think any of the others including you and Kairo would be anywhere near me if they knew?" Diana took another breath. Bigger this time. "So he doesn't know?". Logan tried to calm himself. "No. He doesn't." he said quietly. "I was turned before I knew him". For the first time since she knew him Logan had dropped his bad vamp act. For once he was putting on a show or trying to hide himself. And now she understood why. For so long he's been hiding himself. Ensuring he was never exposed. Trying to divert the attention away from himself. You were too busy hating him for his Vampire hobbies to suspect him of anything else. "So Loontown was-" "Was my hybrid nature taking over. But that was one time. I've never lost control since". Diana shrugged "How am I supposed to believe that we can trust you?". Logan started towards her. She moved back until she was pressed up against the wall. Logan stopped a few steps in front of her. "If I wanted to kill you or turn you in. I would have done it by now" he said quietly "God knows I've had plenty of chances to do so" He stood so close she could feel his breath on her skin. "Can I trust you?". Diana looked straight into Logan's eyes. "I believe you". Logan let out a sigh of relief "But the others have a right to know what you are".

"They can't. For their safety."

"It's worse if they don't know"

"Just give me time. Right now I'm far more concerned with getting Kairo somewhere safe. We don't know where those hunters got to". Diana sighs. "Fine. But you have to tell them when we get to my family home that you're a hybrid. You can really help us figure out Jeremy's weakness". Logan doesn't reply. Instead he just looks at her almost as if he was holding something back. He leaned forward ever so slightly. Diana held her breath.

"You're a what?"

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