The Next Phase

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It was now the second day that everyone had spent in the coven house and they were finally that little bit closer to stopping Jeremy. After the ceremony Zoe and Sean disappeared leaving the magic world behind. From what Kairo told Logan it wasn't an emotional goodbye. Maverick did however make Zoe vow to leave Kairo and Logan alone from now on as they could be quite useful in the war with Jeremy. "If you hate supernaturals that much you'll let them stop Jeremy" he'd said to her. The sisters Gina and Samantha gave Zoe a hug. Diana didn't. Still ashamed that her sister could turn her back on all of them. Especially during a time like this. Logan thought back to how this all began. Him and Kairo were running from the hybrids. They were running from Sean and Zoe because of the choices he made. He was evil, hated and ruthless. Now all of a sudden they have become an important part in this war they suddenly got involved in.

Well you're the most important part. He thought.

Logan shook the feeling from his head. He'd been thinking what everyone would be like now. When Zoe announced that the first hybrid's death would wipe out the whole army, Adam and Maverick's face seemed to glow. Finally some good news for them. Kairo didn't know yet that Logan was the first Hybrid created. But it didn't matter. Even if he wasn't and someone else carried that burden. He would still die once they killed them. Diana has promised him another way. But there won't be. There never is when it comes to this. It's just another one of those redemption stories. Bad boy with dark secrets lends a hand to helpless supernaturals and in the end makes the ultimate sacrifice. Logan couldn't imagine what he'd need to stay alive for anyway. Kairo knows his life would be better without having to clean up after his mess. As for everyone else... Well, there was no one else. Logan knew that once he was gone Kairo would probably stick around here. Maybe even be the coven's bodyguard. Who knows.

As Logan made his way down the hall he heard noises coming from the main room. Everyone had been up early to discuss the most recent events. "So we know we have to kill it. But we don't know how to kill it" Adam's voice echoed down the hall. It sent shivers down Logan's spine. If only they all knew. "Well we need to find it first" Maverick said.


That's all Logan was to them. Whether they knew it or not. They're not referring to the first hybrid as a person. A man or a woman. Just an it. As if it's not anything. Not someone who can think for themselves. Some who have done bad things but never set out to take over the supernatural world. Logan finally reached the door to the main hall just as Adam said "We can use Diana's list". The list... Logan had forgotten all about that list. His name will be on it. He's never seen it. Would his name be first as he's the first? How did Diana even conjure the list up? He hesitated opening the door. It's better if it comes from you. He thought. And so he swung the door open. A large table had been moved into the center of the room. It was full of papers and books. All of Adam's research he assumed. The others stood around it despite there being chairs available. They were all on edge. As Logan entered the room all eyes seemed to be on him as if they already knew. "There's something I need to say," he announced, wanting this to be over already. Diana went wide eyed.

Logan. Don't.

I have to. They'll find out eventually

I told you I would find another way.

How long do you think that would take? Look at them. They're ready to go into battle now. They won't hold off.

"What is it Logan?" Maverick cut off their silent conversation. Logan was suddenly aware that everyone was still staring at him. He took a deep breath wishing he had planned this out before just storming in. "Logan stole a car whilst we were on our way here" blurted Diana taking Logan's moment from him.

Just give me a few days at least. She told him.

"We've just been worried that we may have attracted too much attention to ourselves and maybe we were followed". Both Maverick and Adam seemed confused. "We have more pressing matters to think about Diana '' Maverick said slowly. "We need that list you have". Adam jumped straight back into hybrid hunting. "I'll get it, '' she said "Might take a few days. I lost everything when we went after Kairo. Logan was impressed with how well she could lie to them. Especially to Maverick. To Logan he seemed like the kind of guy that could easily tell if someone was fibbing. "Fine. Adam talks us through the plan once we find the hybrid". Adam straightened himself. It's quite simple really. He pointed to scrap pieces of paper on the table. "Now these are only Myths as no one really knows a lot about hybrids. But some of the common ones I have found is that blood from either pure vamp or pure wolf could hurt them. Seeing as they are considered impure and unnatural ... Even in the supernatural world. Blood from a pure nature would weaken them. But probably not for long". Logan's brow creased. Was that true? He didn't even know. He'd been on his own so long he had no idea himself what hurt hybrids. "What about how to kill them?" asked Kairo. Adam waited for a few moments before answering "Well... there's never been anything about killing them. But I'm assuming as they're werewolf and vampire in one that a silver stake should do it. Maybe a spell?" he turned to Diana "You can look into that right?" he asked her. She nodded in reply. Adam turned back to the table "It would have to be done at the camp. Again assuming the hybrid is already at Jeremy's camp it should be pretty easy to track down. But if not... then. Maybe we capture a few of them and get answers from them". It was clear to Logan that Adam must have had this plan for a long time. Maybe not this specific one. But something along the lines of it. A man that is willing to do what needs to be done to restore the order. Just at the moment Zoe came bursting through the door. ''You again?" said Logan, annoyed that she keeps coming and going. Zoe was out of breath. Down the hall Scene seemed to be barricading the door "What's going on?" Diana asked, panic rising. Out of breath, Zoe managed to get out the words. "Jeremy... Hybrids... They're coming" 

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