When The Past Catches Up

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Logan hastily made his way back to the others. He had already decided that Diana was the one he'd be taking to Jacque. If he saw witches and hybrids teaming up he'd probably trust them more.

Even though Diana doesn't know what you really are?

Look shook his head trying to get the voice out of his head. He had to concentrate on how to convince Diana to come back with him. He couldn't let the others know about Jacque just yet. In Logan's mind it was a two way street. Jacque needed to trust them. And he needed to trust Jacque. As Logan grew closer to where the others were he saw that they had taken the liberty to set up camp for the night. Logan smirked. Another job that he got out of doing. There were three tents and a little campfire in the middle. He saw the figures sitting around it and heard distant talking. Diana looked up from the conversation and whispered something making everyone go quiet. That's when Logan realized there were only three people sitting around the campfire. And he knew it wasn't like Kairo to turn in early. As he reached the camp he could see the others' faces more clearly. They all had worried looks on their faces. Exchanging glances between themselves but none of them making eye contact with Logan. "Where's Kairo?" he demanded. Diana took a deep breath and stood up. "Just try not to get mad, okay? We're doing everything we can." Logan began to get impatient. But he just glared at her to let her know she didn't have much time to explain before he exploded. "We erm.." she looked at the others but wasn't getting any help from them. "We split up to get supplies for the night. And when we all came back.. Well.. Kairo never showed" She looked down at her fingers playing with a piece of string. Nervously awaiting Logan's response. "What the hell do you mean?". Finally Maverick jumped in to help Diana explain. "We think that whoever was following you two took advantage of the fact that you two weren't together" He sounded disapproving of Logan's disappearance. Logan turned away from them. He knew they were in big trouble if it was the same people. He was furious. He never should have left the group. But then they never should have let him be on his own. "Well I'm just gonna have to go find him then." Logan said through gritted teeth. "Let me come with you," Diana offered. He turned around quickly. "No. You've done enough". She rolled her eyes at him "You can't go alone and you can do it with the extra help" Maverick nodded "Let her take you back to where we went. Maybe a tracking spell will still work. We'll meet you at the safe place". Logan groaned and started walking off without any other arguments with Diana following closely behind.

The place that Diana took him too wasn't too far from the field they were camping in. It was a small convenience store for the village. It wasn't much to look at. Next too it was a petrol station with only a couple of cars occupying it. They decided to go into the store first. The only person that was in there was the shop attendant. Diana asked him some questions to do with Kairo but he proved to be unhelpful and wouldn't show them the security tape. They moved onto the petrol station that had gained more cars by now. Diana recognised a woman from the first time that she was there and went to talk to her whilst Logan asked around the other customers. He didn't have any luck with them and so he went to catch up with Diana who was still talking to the same woman. "What's going on?" he asked as he neared them. "She didn't see where Kairo went" Diana started. "But she did see two suspicious- looking people hanging around that corner. '' She pointed to a wall that was behind the woman. Logan looked at her and smiled "Thanks for your help". He took off in the direction of the wall leaving Diana to finish up. When he got there he found lots of rubbish scattered around. It was a mess. He wondered if any of this had belonged to the people the woman had spoken about. He noticed some used chewing gum that had been stuffed back into the wrapper. He gingerly picked it up. "You're not gonna chew that are you?" Diana was now standing behind him with raised eyebrows. Logan rolled his eyes. "Obviously not. I need you to do a spell on this. See if you can find out who it was' '. Diana took the wrapper from him and sat crossed legged on the floor. She held the wrapper in her palm and stared at it. Logan watched her intently but couldn't figure out exactly what she was doing. Several minutes went by before Diana said anything. She lowered her hand and looked up at Logan. "Okay... All I saw was that it was a man and a woman. I couldn't make out any faces. Wherever they are, it's dark. They kept saying something about Loon town?... If you know what that is". Logan took a deep breath. "Yeah I know what that is''. Diana waited for him to say more but when he didn't she grew impatient. "Well?... Aren't you going to tell me?". Logan shrugged. "I don't need to, '' he said. Diana stood up. "If we're gonna work together on this then you need to give me the information. How can I help if you keep secrets from me?". Logan took a deep breath. He knew he couldn't tell her the whole truth. He had to figure out to sway it just a little. "Loon Town is something that vampire hunters do at a certain time of year. It's.. Kind of a game. For hunters they go out and chase vampires down. Killing them. Vampires will go to do the same thing. Whoever wins gets this massive feast at the end". He glanced at Diana. "But who would want that?" she asked. "Vampires with a big ego and hunters out for revenge." Logan replied. "Anyway. I forced Kairo into going. He never wanted to go, it's against the vampire law." Diana let out an involuntary laugh. "It's against any supernatural law" she exclaimed. "Right... Well we went anyway. Kairo followed me around but didn't do anything. I went off the scale. I wanted a challenge. So I went to the site where the hunters were camping. Loon Town still has its rules. Everyone's on a mutual agreement that the campsite is out of bounds. But I went crazy and tore the whole thing apart... Full on rage mode. Not really aware of what I was doing as long as I was smelling blood" He ran a hand through his hair. "There was this one tent. It was sort of out of the way from the others. I remember Kairo shouting at me for me to stop but I didn't. It turned out that there was a baby in that tent. The stupid couple bought their baby to a vampire hunt and I killed it. They've been coming after us ever since". There was a silence that fell between them. Diana looked shocked at his story. "Are you happy now?" Logan asked. But Diana didn't reply. "I know you think I'm the most awful vamp you've ever met. But what happened then was nothing to do with Kairo and he doesn't deserve to be the one captured by these people. So just tell me where he is so I can find him"...

Diana didn't know exactly where Kairo was being held. But she had seen some details to try and narrow down the places. "Alright" said Logan looking down at his phone "I looked up abandoned barns with a lake within our radius and there's only two options to choose from" he handed her the phone so she could look through the pictures. "It's this one" she pointed at the second option. "Are you sure?". Diana zoomed in on one of the pictures "It looks just like what I saw when I did the spell" Logan took his phone back and put it in his pocket. "Okay. I'll go there then. I'll see you back with the others. Maybe.". Diana glared at him. "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm coming?" she raised her voice trying to get her point across. He was frustrating her and she was getting tired of it.

"There's already one person in danger when they shouldn't be. I don't have time to save two".

"Are you forgetting the first time that we met? I can handle myself".

"Fine.. But if you get into trouble I'm not coming back for you"


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