The Truth

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The silence was louder than a concert full of people screaming for their idol. A million thoughts were racing through Logan's mind on it's own. God knows what this was doing to Diana.

Why were the hunters here?

Did they follow them?

Diana called Zoe her sister.. Her sister.

Wait... her sister?

Logan was outrageously confused. Zoe said nothing. Instead she seemed to be inspecting them all. Logan noticed her peering over towards Kairo. "Look at him one more time and I'll rip your throat out" he threatened. Zoe chuckled. She was evil. Thought Logan. How can she possibly be Diana's sister? And element witch. Part of one of the most powerful covens in the world. No wonder why Diana wanted to keep her secret. She was out of her mind. "You may have won the first time. But I can assure it wouldn't happen twice". Diana stood between them, her back facing Logan. "What are you doing? Why are you here and where the hell have you been?". The man that Zoe was with came and stood next to her, handing her a small book. The book that the ripped page had come from. Zoe threw it down to Diana's feet. "Help me with this and I'll help you" Diana's brow creased. "I'm not sure I understand what you're asking". None of the other sisters bother to intervene. They seemed quite happy to allow Diana to do all of the talking. Even Maverick was silenced. Zoe became annoyed very quickly. "I need you four to do the spell. It requires more power than I'm able to conjure. If you do that for me then I'll tell you exactly where Jeremy is and what makes his hybrids tick" she looked over at Logan he avoided eye contact. Praying that she wouldn't let it slip. As if she was thinking the same thing Diana jumped in before anything else could be said. "Why would you want to do that? How could you-?". Zoe waved her hands not wanting to go into it. "It doesn't matter why. It's got nothing to do with you. I don't want this life. I never signed up for it. Now do you want my help or not?". Diana turned to Maverick, her eyes begging for help on the situation. "Zoe," he said, finally stepping in. "How could you possibly help us? What is it you know that we don't already". She smirked, amused by the fact that she had the information. She shrugged trying to play it off as cool as she could but her face said it all. She loved being the center of attention. She loved keeping everyone else on the hook. "Find" a voice from the back perked up. Everyone's eyes all followed it to Gina. "You don't want to be a part of this family then so be it". Diana was stricken. Stopped in her tracks. This was clearly not the answer she was expecting. "Gina-" she tried but just as quickly as Zoe had she silenced her. "I'm the oldest," she said. "We have a war to think about and our family drama can't be getting in the way". She picked up the book that Zoe had previously thrown to the floor. "We'll do it tonight. In the meantime you tell us whatever it is you have". The smile from Zoe's face disappeared. "No. You're tricking me." Gina placed her hands upon Zoe's light forming around them both. She nodded to Samantha and Maverick suggesting they do the same. Once they were in position Gina spoke again. "I vow to keep any promises I make". The others followed and repeated Gina word for word. "Tonight at sunset we lay before our sister. To make her mortal. Consume her powers and free her from the supernatural life" again everyone repeated. Gina and the others let go then she left the room. Diana was mad. It was all over my face. She couldn't hide it. "See you later sis" Zoe said, happy once more. She followed Gina out of the room, her partner following closely behind.

Adam tried to talk to Diana after what happened but she shut him off and kicked them all out. Aside from Maverick the boys were sitting in the garden. Even though it looked more like a fancy meadow with an added forest as it's bonus. "I don't understand anything that has just happened in there" Adam said his cheeks were still red with embarrassment from when Diana snapped at him. Kairo let out a sigh "It's not hard" he said. He was sitting next to the fountain letting the cool sprays of water hit his arm. He appreciated the cold when sitting out in the sun for so long. "The Element Witches have family drama. One sister falls in love with a mortal which is forbidden in the witch world and so she runs away to be with only him. He's a mysterious supernatural hunter and so now the witch must give up her powers to truly be with him so that neither mortal or supernatural can tear the one away from the other. During her years on the run with this man she's obviously discovered new findings about the new species of werewolf and vamp... Did I miss anything?" Kairo asked Logan who'd been quiet the whole time stood across from Kairo. "How about the fact that she tried to kill you and will continue hunting her own kind?" Logan shrugged. "It's messed up," Adam interjected. "Really messed up". Logan shrugged. "It was bound to happen eventually" Both the boys looked at him surprised. "What? You didn't think that out of all of the mortals and supernaturals that there aren't people who fall in love with the wrong kind?" Logan shook his head. "Nah... There's definitely more. Including the supernatural world.'' He picked up a stone from the ground and fiddled with it between his fingers. Still feeling nervous about what Zoe could be telling people. After all she never gave her promise to keep it a secret. And why would she? "Wait what?" Logan hadn't realized he'd zoned out from the conversation. "Supernatural's can't love between different kinds" "How do you not know that?" Kairo asked "It's a pretty big rule isn't it? Like an unspoken one. If we can't love mortals then we can't love something that isn't our own kind. It makes sense". Logan noticed a look of disappointment on Adam's face. He must really have a thing for Diana. "Maybe I should try to talk to her," Logan said, making his way back to the house. The awkward silence was too much for him. "You?" questioned Adam, seeming even more confused now. Poor guy couldn't catch a break. "We seem to have become friends," Logan joked and left the two boys behind.

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