The Next Phase

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Jeremy's camp.

Logan was surprised he had been allowed to walk with the others back to the camp. He thought Jeremy would have a more strict leash on him. It took longer than expected to arrive back to the camp and was nothing like how he imagined it. The word 'camp' was definitely not accurate whenever someone talked about this place. It was an entire island. Made up of houses and small buildings. There were even shops for weapons and training. The hybrids here were very different to Logan. It was clear they had been here a long time, hard at work with training. They had muscles for days and looked as if they could crush you as easily as crushing a pine cone. They seemed to snarl at anyone who gave off the wrong vibes when approaching them. Logan could tell why the whole world seemed to be terrified of hybrids. This lot was giving him a bad name. One thing that they all had in common though, was that they all became silent as Jeremy walked through the streets. One by one they stopped what they were doing and watched. Some even fall to their knees as a sign of respect. Is this how I'll turn out? Logan asked himself. So engrossed with how they all reacted at the sight of their leader. Ex werewolves all brainwashed by a power hungry vampire. "It's not for me" Jeremy said behind him. Was he that strong now he could read Logan's mind? Logan stopped and turned around to see him better. Everyone else is still watching them intently. The other hybrids that had escorted Logan back had also joined the crowds of people. "It's all for you". Jeremy looked proudly at the streets. But Logan didn't understand. "You're my first Logan. You didn't actually think these hybrids were mine did you? They needed their leader. And now I have finally brought him home!" his voice grew louder into a cheer. But no one joined in. Logan glanced around. That's when he noticed it. They weren't looking at Jeremy. All eyes were on him. Looking hopeful almost. Thinking he was going to bring on the new world for them all. Logan looked smugly at Jeremy and centered himself for all the crowd to see him more clearly. "Well then let me make this clear, '' he shouted. "I never wanted to be here. I never wanted this'' he pointed at Jeremy. "He forced you out of your packs. Away from your life, just so he could be powerful. We're getting no reward for being his bitches". Still no reaction from the crowd. Eyes were darting back and forth between Jeremy and Logan. Jeremy chuckled. "That was very cute" he said. "Everyone here has already signed the contract Logan. No going back for them now" he walked past him and patted him on the back. "Come. Let me show you your new home". Logan almost felt defeated. But he knew it wouldn't be that easy. Jeremy has come too far now to just call it or say his apologies and call it a day. So he followed Jeremy. Better try to keep him sweet at least.

Logan's place was at the end of the island. It was secluded and out of the way of the others. Comparing their homes to his, Logan's looked like it was built for a king. It was massive with multiple rooms and floors. Just from the outside Logan could see workers on the inside. "It's been waiting for you Logan. Your own little palace along side me". Logan raised his eyebrows "you?" Jeremy came closer. "We can make a grand team together Logan. You're savage you're evil. Once you find just how powerful we can be. You'll wish you joined me sooner. So of course we get the best living accommodations here. We are the Kings". Logan let out a sad sigh "I was kinda hoping to live on my own. I mean once you've moved out of your parents house it's kinda lame to have roommate". Jeremy chuckled. "I like your jokes Logan. That's gonna become really helpful for what we have planned".Jeremy gave a mind numbingly boring tour of the rest of the house. He didn't bother to introduce Logan to any of the staff that were working there. Logan couldn't even figure out if they were humans or supernaturals. Either way they weren't here willingly. When they came to the main hall Logan felt suddenly uncomfortable. At the end of the long walk way were two thrones. Logan assumed it was one for Jeremy and one for him. "Well don't I feel like the girlfriend whos ccme home to meet the parents" he said. Jeremy smiled but otherwise ignored his remark. On both sides of the hallway were benches. It looked like a church with two thrones randomly placed. Stood in between the thrones was a man who was clearly not here against his will. It was obvious just from the way he positioned himself. He was tall and had mousy brown hair and green eyes. He held a long sword that he had pointing down and resting in the ground. He looked just as stern as the hybrids outside. But he wasn't one. Logan couldn't figure out what it was, but the sight of him put him on edge and made all his senses feel funny. "Logan, this is my right hand man. He will be yours too. Any... you know. Jobs you need doing. He's your man". Logan waited for Jeremy to give a name. When he didn't he turned towards this mysterious man. His face softened as he leant forward offering out his hand to shake " Gordon" he said. Logan shook his hand. Behind him the hybrids began pilling in all over excited. Acting quite literally like animals as they filled the empty benches. "Logan" Jeremy called to him as Gordan resumed his place. Jeremy gestured towards the second throne. Logan awkwardly took his place there. Jeremy stood and the whole room went quiet. "The finale piece of the puzzle is in place" he said voice loud and clear. "We only have one aim for this war. To prove that we are the strong breed" the crowd cheered at Jeremy's words. Logan continued to watch in horror. Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe him coming here has only made things worse. But it's too late to turn back now. "Tomorrow" Jeremy continued. "The battle begins". And with his final words the whole room erupted. From the benches to the hybrids who stood by the windows. To the ones who were still pilling outside to get a glimpse of Jeremy's big speech. Logan realised he was trapped. He'd bought on this war. He was the one who was going to lead it.

The end of part one... 

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