Y/n warren

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*Authors noted* So basically this is Ed and Lorraines "older daughter" so they have worked with her since she was 17, they took her in after her parents kicked her out. she's now 20 and they are investigating the The Perron family house, anyways read request what u want me to write next:) (correct any spelling error and give me tips on how to improve please)

It was just an ordinary afternoon for the warrens, Ed was showing some reporter the museum.

"Say is the doll Annabelle here?" The reporter asked "right this way" Ed replied while walking towards the doll. "You say SHES a conduit?" "That's right l." "What does that mean?" "A very powerful daemonic has latched itself onto her" "so when you guys investigated these hauntings, how do you stop 'em from latching' onto you?" "we have to take great caution" "but what about your wife?" "What about her?" "well, Father Gordon told me that-" "well, that was different." "what happened to my wife was during an exorcism" "well, what's the difference?"

as Ed was about to answer a ruffling round was heard, their eyes pointed to the location the noise came from. Ed immediately new " 'scuse me...honey what are you doing?. Come her, you know better, all right?
Y/n?, come on, did you touch anything?" Judy gave out a sweet no "all right, come on, honey"

*your pov*

I heard Ed call my name so I stopped reading my book and walked towards the museum where I knew he would be.

"Y/N, could you take Judy upstairs?" Ed asked me, of course I replied, i have no idea why she goes inside there she always gets caught.

"You can't go into this room no matter what remember? I stood holding Judys hand as Ed told her to keep away.

Ed kissed her head and ruffled my hair as we walked away towards judys bedroom. On my way up I saw Lorraine sitting in the rocking chair so I took Judy Towards her mother.

"Hi Lorraine..Judy got into the room again and wanted to see if you were okay?"

"Oh Judy sweetheart, you know your not mean to go inside there" Lorraine spoke kindly as Judy climbed onto Lorraine's lap handing her a brush.

I watched the sweet moment before the door opened again, Ed came in squeezing my shoulders as he walked into the middle of the room.

"What's going on in here?" "Daddy, look" "very pretty" "all right all done"

Judy giggled making me smile as she ran off shouting "I'm wearing it to dinner" "no you're not!" I watched as Judy ran off towards her room, turning back around as Ed handed me a cup of tea. "How'd it go" Lorraine asked Ed "oh, I think he may write a positive article" "ohh, a non- skeptic, that's a Pleasant change" I giggled at her words, knowing full well what people have wrote about them. "Yeah"

"Stop blaming your self" I stood looking out the window sipping my sugarless tea, it tasted horrible but I didn't wanna he rude, until Lorraine made a face "no sugar...be right back, I guess you want sugar too y/n?" "Yes please" you spoke.

I went back to looking outside the widow, it was around 5pm when Ed came into my room telling me dinner was ready.

I walked down the stairs making small talk about the new book I was reading with Lorraine as Ed spoke to Judy, once we all finished judy asked if we could play a game.

Of course I said yeah, Lorraine and Ed joined a couple minutes later after.

Washing up, we sat around the table again playing a game after about an hour Ed noticed Judy was beginning to get tired so he and Lorraine took her up to put her to bed.

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