Elevator music

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you're a student at the college Ed and Lorraine go to and meet them in the elevator (idk if their was an elevator but we can imagine)
idk why you guys still read this, it's cringy and I only just about passed my GCSEs in English so 🫣

(Y/n pov)
it was my first year of collage and I was in fact shitting myself, I signed up for some lecture about paranormal experience, by mr and mrs warren..

I entered the elevator and found a couple stood already towards the back, I clocked the numbers and they were going floor 2 the same as me.

"good morning" I spoke trying to be polite I don't need enemies on my first day no matter if they aren't students "morning" the women relied with a sweet smile "moring" the man said modding

The radio above started playing 'lovers rock by tv girl' (I know that song didn't but it's my fav) "I love this song" I spoke mainly to myself but the couples replied "what was that hun?" "Oh sorry I said I love this song" I spoke back kinda embarrassed "it's a beautiful song" the lady spoke and the man hummed in agreement before the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened

We all stepped out into the corridor and headed towards the room before as the man spoke "what room are you?" "Oh umm room 204, I'm kinda nervous it's my first day, what if nobody wants to be my friends or the teachers don't like me oh my god." I started rambling on

They both laughed at me and I looked at them in shock and realisation "oh fuc- fude please tell me you guys aren't my teachers.."

"Afraid so" the man reapplied..

"10 minutes in and I've already embarrassed myself great." I muttered but mrs warren replied
"Don't worry sweetheart, you're already our favourite student"

I dry laughed as my nerves seemed to flow away and I became comfortable with the couple

I smiled to myself, maybe this won't be as bad as I thought...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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