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I'm sorry for this chapter.. 'not'
(Kinda short)
(The conjuring 3, just after Ed woke up😚)

(Random pov)
After Ed told Lorraine Arne took the devil inside him, she called y/n knowing she lived quit close to where Arne was staying at the moment.

"Hi?" "y/nitsLorraineIneedyoutogo downtothedogshelterrightnowithasarne"
"Wow wow slow down, Lorraine? What's wrong?" "It has Arne" "shit" "be-" *beep*

Lorraine ran back to Ed "y/n on her way, but I have a feeling somethings not right.."

(Y/n pov)
I grabbed my keys and raced toward my car, I'm pretty sure I was going 20 miles over the speed limit but someone's life was in my hands. When I arrived all I could hear was music blasting.

I opened the door and found Debby dancing around and came over to me dragging me to dance with her. I noticed Arne wondering off towards the back and slipped out of Debbys hug. Not gonna lie I had a crush on Debby and would've loved to dance with her right then but Arne was my only concern.

As I turned the corner Arne was stabbing the owner of the place. I pushed him a side as carful as I could trying to stop Arne but I felt pain shoot through my stomach and blood seeping through.

Arne realising what was going on ran out the house, Debby running over to me "hey hey y/n stay with me okay?" "Tell Ed and-d l-Lorraine I-I-I love th-them" "no no, stop saying goodbye, focus on me, eyes open" "I'm d-dying debs" "no not on my watch" "I l-love you d-debs, I a-a-always have" "I love you too" I felt debbys warm lips against mine as I took my final breath.

(Lorraines pov)
I was on my way to get me and Ed some coffee when I saw Debby walking in covered in blood, crying her eyes out.

"Debby?" "Lorraine, I'm so sorry I'm so so sorry" "what? What happened?" "Y/n she umm, she's gone" I felt my body freeze, the world around me slowed down.

Ed held me as ai broke down, he obviously heard when Debby told me. She was like a daughter to me, I took her in after her family kicked her out.

Now she's gone.. I'm never gonna see my sweet y/n again. I'm never gonna see her cheesy grin. I'm never gonna be able to hug her. I'm never gonna be able to listen to her rant about her favourite books.

I felt like my heart had been snapped in half.

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