Sleepover p2

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Someone requested a part two so here you go<333

(Y/n pov)
It was around 2am when my first nightmare occurred, I felt alone. I was in the wood, rain hammering down around me. Then a black figure emerged from behind a Oak tree, it was tall and thin..inhumanely thin. 

It started heading towards me but my feet were stuck, like I was cemented into the ground. I tried screaming for help but nothing came out, it was now inches away.

I closed my eyes.

"I want your family. I want your family. I want your family." It kept chanting it over and over getting deeper and deeper before it went silent.

I opened my eyes and nothing was there. But before I could even react someone or something should I say grabbed me from behind and dragged me backwards, it cold hands held my arms and it's warm breath tickled my neck before whispering "mommy and daddy cant save you now"

I looked up and there my parents lay. Dead. Judy on the floor crying by there body's .

"YOU DID THIS. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!" My sister screamed getting in my face
"Huh-what juds what do you mean, what happened?" My voice trembled

My screams echoed before I felt someone shake my body. "Y/N WAKE UP" "y/n calm down hunny"


"Shhhh your okay, it was just a bad dream, your okay" "mom it felt so real" "tell me about it sweetie" I shook my head too scared to talk about it.

"Okay, go back to sleep and we can talk in the morning yeah?" "Umm mom wait, can I stay with you and dad tonight?" "Of course darling, come on" she held her hand out for me and brought me to her bed, where my dad was sitting up. I didn't even realise he left my room.

"You okay hun?" "Yeah just a bad dream" "staying with us?" "Yup" "come here then"

My dad held me close and I drifted off back to sleep but not for long before the same nightmare wrapped my body.

*the next morning*
"Moring y/n" "moring mom, dad"

"So ready to speak about the 4 nightmares?" "I don't wanna talk about what happened but they were all the same" "you don't need to bottle thing up you know? It's not good for you" "I know, I'll tell juds or something I guess" "tell me what?" "Oh morning Judy"

"Y/n come here please" "yes dad?" "I wanna talk about you playing that stupid game" "oh right that.." "yeah sit down" "dad I'm so sorry, I won't ever play it again. I promise" "you know what dangerous they are why would you even touch one?" "I wanted to seem cool I guess" "just don't do it again!" "I won't dad" "okay love you" he walked out the room and I turned around and there stood the figure from my dream.

We shared eye contact before my mom called for Ed and he walked in watching us gaze at something.

"What are you seeing hun?" "a figure he's all black and skinny" "YOU SEE IT TOO?" I shouted before u could even stop myself

I'll add a part 3 later:)))

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