alone p2

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someone asked for a part 2 so ummm here you go:)

(Y/n pov)
we finished our pizza and headed back to her house and before I could even walk through the door the phone went off.

"Want me to grab that?" I asked her
"Umm yes please"

"Hello evans residence" "y/n?" *SHIT ITS MY MOM, I SHOUD HAVE KNOWN SHE WOULD CALL HERE FUCK FUCK FUCK* "no?" "y/n look we're-"  i ended it fuck that

"Y/n who was it?" "My mom.." "oh shit what did she say?" "I don't know I ended it" "ha, wanna watch a movie?" "Yeah sure"

The movie lasted around half hour before there was a knock on the door.

"IS THAT MY DAD?" "Fuck, go hide"

I ran off into her bedroom and left the door open a jar so I could listen in.

"mr and mrs warren, how may I help you?" "We know y/ns here we just want to apologise for everything and we're going on leave for a bit." "Look she's not-" "don't say she's not here cause I know she is, that's her coat right there and she's in your bedroom."

"How did you-" "that doesn't matter. Y/N PLEASE COME DOWN HERE"

Fuck I'm gonna have to aren't i?

"Mom please I don't wanna be there anymore.."

"Y/n we love you so much, even when we fight we love you and would do anything for you. Both you and Judy mean the world to us and I would be broken to see you leave us, I can't watch my eldest daughter leave without doing anything can I?"

"Mom, dad I just miss you guys" I was definitely crying by now

"Come here" I hugged my mom as my dad pulled us both into him and my friend stood crying at the situation.

"Wanna come home?" "Promise to be there?" "Always birthday girl" 

Once I got home my parents threw a mini party and I even got to try a little alcohol..but little do they know it wasn't my first time. What I'm a teenager? Don't judge me

(1 year later)

The past year has been so fun, my parents haven't been leaving us for work so often but there back tomorrow, I know I can't have them all the time but at lest they won't be gone as long now.

"Be back soon honey" "Always?" "Always"


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