Y/ns sick so ed and lorraine are to the rescue

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Okay so thanks to the help off @dreamsbff
I can now update you guys with an actual story:)

Warning: swearing 

(Ignore spelling mistakes, I'm too lazy to go over it)

Readers pov:
As soon as I woke up my head ponded..I already knew I was sick, but me being stubborn as always, gets ready. I had to act normal in front of my parents or they would go all mother and father on me..as much as I love them they really get on my nerves sometimes.

"Morning sweetheart" I heard my dad call from the kitchen "morning dad..hi mom, hi Judy" "hi darlin, sleep well?" "Yeah fine I guess" "could you go feed the chickens and mow the lawn once your done y/n?" As much as I knew this was going to kill with the way I was feeling, I had to do it or else my parents would know something up. "Umm yeah sure" "okay thank you, me and your father have a presentation in an hour but call us if you need anything, we should be back before Judys home. Love you" "okay, bye love you" "byeeeee"

As soon as I heard the door close I sighed and started heading towards the chicken cage. But before I could even get out the door I was rushing inside towards the bathroom, puking up anything left inside me. "Fuck" I rinsed my mouth out and brushed my teeth.

I started doing the jobs my mother asked me to do but I felt myself getting worse by the minute. I had been throwing up throughout the day but I didn't wanna disappoint my parents so I did the jobs to my best ability.

It was now around 3pm, my parents should arrive soon but I couldn't get my limp body off the bathroom floor, I felt like if I moved I'd be sick. Even though I had nothing left in me.

Random pov:
"Y/n were home..y/n? Where are you?" Lorraine called from the hall way. Ed ran out the back to see if she was out there but no luck so Lorraine checked her room but no sign..as she was walking out she was there body curled up in a ball on the fall.

"Oh, y/n" Lorraine whispered gently to y/n, "why didn't you tell us you were ill?" "I'm
Not I'll" "I beg to differ" come on let's get you to bed.

Ed found Lorraine crouched down behind
y/n and moved in front of her picking them up lightly and sliding them into bed "no why didn't you tell us?" "Cause you guys have work, it's way too important to miss cause I'm sick" "awhh baby no, work will never be more important than you, I promise" "will you lie with me?" Y/n asked Lorraine as she closed her eyes already drifting off to sleep. "Of course"

they cuddled for a while, like they was young again. Y/ns quit snores were Interrupted by Ed bringing in honey tea and medicine. "They should take these" handing them to Lorraine, "thank you, come on y/n you need to take some medicine it will
Make you feel better"

Y/n grumbled something and began sitting up taking there medicine and going straight back to sleep. Ed and Lorraine both looked at there daughter seeing how grown up she was. It felt like yesterday that she had been running around in the garden playing games with them both. Judy came running in and jumped into her daddy's arms as they shushed her explaining why she need to be quit.

They must have fallen asleep cause it was now 7am, Ed was on the floor with his head on the bed, Lorraine was hugging y/n as judy was asleep at the bottom off then bed.

They all awoke around the same time and went out for a family breakfast as y/n felt better. She felt lucky to have such loving parents.

Also would you guys like a story about dating either Ed or Lorraine, or y/n dating drew and her parents reaction? If you want one about dating Ed or Lorraine which? <3

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