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Short cause it's nearly 2am i wanna sleep lmao, request more stuff please as it's half term and I might as well write;))

(y/n pov)
It was finally my 15th birthday, I'd been waiting for this day since..well my last birthday but the thing about my birthday is that my parents spend the whole day with me instead of going in cases for once.

"Oh your awake, granny told me to wake you up" my sister called, standing in the doorway "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/n/n"

"Thanks juds, wait nanna? Isn't mom and dad back yet?" I asked frowning

"Mom called and said this case was really important so she can't make it.."
"Oh right okay.." i faked a smile and got dressed for the day

I was kind of upset that my parents weren't here but I guess it's there job so..

"morning sweetie and happy birthday!!" My nanna called as u walked into the kitchen

"Thank you nanna, is that banana bread?" "Yes of course sugar, i know it's your favourite and it is your day after all" i gigged and are breakfast.

"So you girls doing anything today?" "I was handing out with mom and dad for you know my birthday but oh well, guess I'll do something else" "i was going out with my friends but we can go watch a movie or something y/n?" My sister spoke

"nooo, juds don't cancel your plans for me, go have fun I'll be fine" "i have to go Grocery shopping, need anything?" "No" "nope" "okay bye girls" "bye nanna" "bye"

"Juds you be safe okay?" "Always am, love you" "love you too"

So here I am. All alone. On my OWN birthday.

fuck my life man

I started heading to the kitchen as the phone started ringing, Great probably another case for my parents.

"Hello, warrens residents, who's speaking?"
"Hi sweetie" "oh hi mom" "you okay, you don't sound very exited that it's your birthday" "well I guess it's not as fun without you and dad here"
"I know darling, we'll be home soon"

"K, i got to go, tell dad hi, bye" "wait y/n-" *BEEEP*

(Lorraine's pov)
"Oh your done on the phone already?" "She out the phone down on me.." "what? I knew she would be mad but not this mad"

"Oh hey drew"
"Lorraine i know it's not my place to say this but put yourself in her shoes, she's never sees you guys and the one day a year she gets go definitely see you, your not there. She's a teenager we've all been there, maybe don't take it to heart she loves you but she wanted to act tough"  "thanks drew"

(Y/n pov)
"Fuck this" i ran upstairs and grabbed my suitcase shoving clothes on clothes in there

I placed a goodbye letter for Judy under her pillow with a number of my friends house I'm going to live at but told her not to tell
Mom and dad

I can't take it anymore. them coming home being a happy family and then the next day its all over again and there leaving for another case. I dried my tear stained face as my friend beeped her car horn and I ran out packing my stuff in there.

"So Pizza birthday girl?" "Always!" We giggled and drove to the nearest pizza restaurant.

(Ed's pov)
"we're home" our smiles faded when we saw Judy crying into Georgians chest and holding a letter

"Hey what's wrong?" "y/nd gone and it's all because of you guys!!" She ran off up stairs

"Georgiana?" "It seems y/n couldn't take it anymore and has left home." "What what do you mean?" "What?"

She hands me the letter and I read it closely with Lorraine.

I knew it impacted the kids but not this much..

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