Dating drew

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This was a request, I'm sorry for being inactive I've just had a lot to do. I'm also sorry if this isn't very good I'm super tried rn and I'm trying to post 2 updates 🥱

Let pretend iPhones existed in the movies too :)
(Random pov)
It was around 7:30 when y/ns alarm went off, She checked her phone and saw a message from her boyfriend drew. They have been together for around a year now, they were childhood friends but didn't really connect as much till he started helping Ed and Lorraine. He asked her out on a date which lead to now. She hasn't told anyone about drew because one Ed being a protective father would never let them be together and two her mother Lorraine would cry over how grown up she is.

(Y/n pov)
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a slice of toast, slightly buttering it. I heard a knock at the door so I quickly fetched it so it didn't wake my mother and father up as they got back very late last night.

(Drew pov)
I decided to surprise my girlfriend y/n with some
y/f/f (your favourite flower). As she answered the door I held them out "for you my lady" I joked"why thank you kind gentleman" she said. "My parents are asleep at the moment so I think it's safe to come in" I walked into the house sitting down on the sofa. (is that what Americans call it?) I watched as she made us coffee, placing it down and then flopping on top of me. "Your so cute you know that?" "Not as cute as you" she said booping my nose and scrunching her up jokingly. I leaned in to kiss her which she happily leaned towards me to. Our lips connected but before things could get heard someone cleared there throats.

(Random pov)
both jumped apart and looked towards the noise it was Ed... he has an angry look on his face.

(Y/n pov)
"Look dad it's not what it looks like.."*why did I say that it's not an m&m advert* (pls tell me someone gets that) "Was you too not sucking each other saliva up?" "Well when you say it like that it sounds disgusting." Drew chucked and I knocked his knee to stop him.

(Random pov) 
Lorraine came walking down the stairs being woken from the commotion. "What's going on?" "Your daughter here was sucky g drew face off" "I WAS NOT SUCKING HIS FACE OFF, CANT I KISS MY BOYFRIEND?" She instantly regretted saying that as Ed's face started glowing red.

"BOYFRIEND?, NO I FORBIT IT." "You can't forbid me to date him just cause he works with you." "YES I CAN" Ed yelled "hey let's clam down before we wake Judy. Ed look I'm not taking sides but she has a right to date who ever she likes and y/n sweetheart you should've told us instead of hiding it away." Lorraine said softly "I knew dad would go all like this and ruin so that's why I never tell you guys anything."

(Y/n pov)
"Hey drew.. umm can you leave please. I promise I'll text u later I wanna sort this out but you being here's getting him more pissed off." "LANGUAGE!" Ed growled. I winced forgetting he was right there when I swore. "I'll text you later" leaning in for a kiss but I pushed it off not wanting to annoy him more. "Bye" "bye" I said closing the door.

"Looks dad I get you want to protect me but i love him. Like you love mom love. So I'm sorry that loving someone is such a crime." I yelled before running off to my to text drew.

I heard mom and dad yelling for a while but I must have fell asleep cause the next thing I know is dad is shaking me awake "look I'm sorry for getting angry, it's just my babys all grown up and I don't want work mixed with home life but I need to remember your happiness is more important. And I know that now" "thank you dad, love you" "love you too princess" "princess really?" "No matter how old you are you will always be my princess you and Judy.. your moms my queen" I giggle and hug him tighter.

Mom and Judy come running into the door and we all end out having a massive group hug. At lest the drew thing wasn't a secret anymore.

dating Lorraine coming up next... idk when might be tonight or whenever:)

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