Y/n warren

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*Authors note*
Ima try and finish this story off cause I kinda hate it and wanna try something else:)

*Y/n pov*
We were stood by the door to the cellar when it started to slam shut "watch it" my voice cracked at carol, who quickly moved away, We stood in shock at the door and went our own ways around the house.

I went to sleep around 4am and woke at 8am to the sound of laughter, I walked towards the stairs when drew came out of his room we greeted each other and walked towards the crowd of children eating.

"For you" April said as I reached Ed and Lorraine, "thank you so much sweetheart" I handed Ed my food as he gave me coffee saying how I wasn't really hungry, Lorraine tried to get me to eat some but I refused.

I sat down and zoned out thinking about last night, I felt sick at the thought of it. Lorraine shook me out of my thoughts asking me to help her with the washing.

"Of course, just let me freshen up" I smiled and walked off towards the room I were saying in.

While doing the laundry Ed came out to us and started being adorable with Lorraine I stood back and observed the cute couple.
"You know I could get use to this." "What? Me doing laundry?" After a couple
Of minutes I felt the wind pick up and told ed and Lorraine I could finish this off.

As I went to grab the big white sheet the wind blew it off and it was caught covering someone or something should I say. I say it fly towards the widow and the sheet fall. I felt my heart drop. That was carols room it stood looking at me and suddenly disappeared.

My heart pounded as I ran towards towards her room, ignoring the shouts of Lorraine and Ed. I started banding on the door. "CAROL? ARE YOU OKAY? CAROL OPEN UP!" I saw Ed and Lorraine coming the stairs as I ran to the bathroom. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine" "are you sick?" " I woke up just feel a little nauseous that's All" "I though I saw-" "I hear Roger and the girls"

I turned to ed and Lorraine, "what's going on?"- Lorraine
"I- I saw something and it was in her room, but- it was definitely here."
"Something isn't right ed, y/n"- Lorraine
"I know hun, I know"- ed
I stood in shock knowing something was definitely wrong.

I watched from the top of the stairs as all the kids ran into the house.

It was night time again. Another night in  this hell.

I was looking at the wardrobe when cindy walked through the door as if she were sleep walking and went into the wardrobe, then I felt a cold hand grab mine taking me in there too.

I woke cindy up who looked scared to death so I hugged her, then when I heard Ed slam through the door and I help cindy clime.
"What the hell happened?"- Ed
"Something led me into here..it's nothing harmful umm, can u pass me the box?"

Lorraine came into the room with the box, somehow already having that idea when I was passing it back the floor gave way and I fell, I saw vision is Flicker through my eyes.

Holding my head in pain, I'd never felt like this before.

As I ran up the stairs I dropped my ring which belonged to my mother before she died. I spent a lot of my childhood with my Nan who then kicked me at 16. That's when Ed and Lorraine found me..

I ran into Ed who hugged me tightly, checking me over for injuries. "I KNOW WHAT SHE DID, SHE POSSESS THE MOTHER TO KILL THE CHILD" I shouted jumbling my words slightly.

"She visits carol ever night, that's what the bruise marks are. She's feeding off her." A cross started shaking behind us rapidly and so did the other. My eyes glued to the girls as they spoke "ummm Nancy.." I noticed her hair slowly rising and ran for scissors.

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